Chapter 26

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'You should have said something sooner, now I feel so bad!' Hana said, as we finally sat down. Yeah, we didn't end up going to her house. Instead, we walked around the shopping centre. But, it was quite fun, and now, we're on good terms. 

'No, don't. I'll be okay....' 

'You can't just keep on playing his game, you have to stop.' She replied. 

'Trust me, I've tried. But it's not all that easy...' I said, thinking of what I should do. I've put up with it long enough, and with Hana with me now, maybe I can do something about it all. Or, maybe not. 

'Hey baby, fancy seeing you here...' Ji Hun said, as he walked over, and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. 'You too....I guess.' 

'Do you mind, we're in the middle of a conversation.' Hana said sternly, glaring at Ji Hun. 

'Well, she is my girlfriend. So, she's probably already told me, what you two girls are talking about. So do carry on, pretend I'm not here.' Ji Hun said, grabbing a chair. He sat with his hands supporting his chin, acting as though he was thoroughly interested. 

'Ji Hun, please. I haven't got to talk to her in a while, can I not just talk to my best friend alone?' I asked, and got a single chuckle in response. 

'Nah babe, I don't trust you enough with our secret. I mean, for all I know, you could've already told her.' He said, as I almost died inside. I hope he doesn't know that I actually did tell her, because then there'll be some trouble. 

'You know I wouldn't, I'm not that stupid.' I said, as he raised an eyebrow. 

'What are you guys talking about, because you're both acting pretty weird.' Hana said, playing along. And thank goodness she was good at acting, otherwise Ji Hun would've seen right through us both. 

'Forget it, it's non of your concern. I'll see you at school.' Ji Hun finally said, and kissed me on the cheek, before leaving. 

'What was that about, does he always do that?' Hana said, as soon as he was out of earshot. 

'Yeah, pretty much. But now, I think he suspects that you know something.' I said, only to be cut off by a bear hug. 

'You know I like a bit of gossip, so do tell!' A voice said, and let go of hugging me. I'm so glad to see her, after so long. 

'Wendy! I can't believe it's you!!' I said, as I got up from my seat, and hugged her with the same enthusiasm as she had beforehand. 

'You know, I'm offended that you're never on your phone anymore.' She said, hugging back. 

'I'm sorry....I-I lost it. But it turned up today!' I said, showing her my phone.

'Likely story....' She said, not even giving my excuse a chance, probably due to my small stutter. I could hear Hana coughing in the background, meaning I forgot introductions. 

'Oops- This is Hana, my friend from the school I'm in now.' I said, introducing her. 'And Hana, this is one of my friends, from my old school; Wendy.' 

'Nice to meet you!' Wendy said, and Hana returned the compliment. 

'So, is it just you?' I asked, after I noticed the tension. Though I must say, I can't imagine why there would be any....

'No, actually. Minho's downstairs with my brother, somewhere...' She said. I was about to reply, when I got a call from Namjoon. 

'I better take this....' I said, as I walked a little bit away to take the call. 

'Where are you right now, I need to collect you.' Namjoon said, as soon as I answered. 

'I'm at the shopping centre, that's only like a 5 minute walk from my school. Is something the matter?' I asked. 

'Oh, it's not that. We just have to go somewhere, so we need you at home.' Namjoon replied, and I unknowingly let out a sigh. 

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be like that. I'll be outside the building, in just a few minutes.' I said, as soon as I caught myself in the action. 

'No, no. It's fine, but I'll be there in about, 5 minutes to pick you up. Is that okay?' Namjoon said, sounding as if I had done nothing wrong. If I had done that to Miss Choi, I'd be having a lecture right now. 

'Okie, bye!' I said, as I hung up the phone. As I walked back to the girls, I noticed Wendy was no where to be seen, and that somewhat worried me. 

'Where did Wendy go?' I asked Hana, as soon as I got to her. 

'She had to go, it was something about 'the boys' wanting ice-cream.' She said, and all I could do was laugh. Typical Yeon and Minho, of course that's why she left. 

'Oh, well, I'm afraid I have to go as well. So, I'll see you tomorrow?' I asked, and she nodded her head, and gave me a hug before I left. 

'I'd walk down with you, but someone wanted to meet me here, so I kind of have to stay.' She said, and I nodded, to show I understood. 

I walked out of the food court, and downstairs. There, I noticed Wendy, sitting on the bench beside the stairs. 

'I thought the guys had an ice-cream craving?' I said, as I saw her. Instead of laughing, like I thought she would, Wendy just rolled her eyes. 

'Is that what she told you?' Was the first thing she said. I was pretty confused, but I really need to go, so I don't have too much time to spare. 

'Listen, I don't know what's wrong, and I would stay and find out. But, I need to be going...' I said, and Wendy just sighed and nodded. 

'I'll go with you then, because you really need to know about this....' 

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A/N I hope you enjoyed the chapter!! I know you guys haven't heard from Wendy in a while, so I thought I might as well bring her back, for Sam's sake. ❤❤

Oh yeah, I also have a question I'd like to ask. You see, I've been thinking of changing 'Sam' just her name (nothing else), to something else. I was thinking a Korean name, because it would fit in with the story better, in my opinion.

Please let me know, your thoughts on this. And if you don't mind the idea, do you know any Korean name, that I could use? 

 And if you don't mind the idea, do you know any Korean name, that I could use? 

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