Chapter 22

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I ran up to my locker, as I was already late for school. Jin and Namjoon insisted that we all have a proper meal together, so we can all spend time with each other, at least once a day. And since they'll be away today, we had to do it for breakfast, instead of dinner.

I honestly didn't mind being late, because I'm a good enough student, so I can catch up on anything I miss. That and, obviously to keep away from Ji Hun for a little while longer.

I ran quickly towards my next class, and rushed through the door, almost tripping over myself in the process. Luckily, I caught myself in time. I knocked on the door of my classroom, and opened it enough for me to get through.

'I'm sorry Miss Kim, I arrived late to school. It won't happen again.' I said, as I stepped into the classroom. I was going to sit in my seat, when I noticed someone else was sitting there. 'Where should I sit?' I asked, and took a look around the room to see if there were any available seats.

And sure enough, there was. Only the one though, which coincidentally had me sitting beside Ji Hun. Lucky me....

'There's a free seat beside Ji Hun, you can sit there for today. I had to move a few people around, so you might have to sit there for the time being. At least until I make a new seating chart.' She said, and got back to teaching.

I made my way across the classroom, and sat in my assigned seat. It only then hit me, that I'd have him as a partner, which also meant, I'd have to sit with him on the bus on the way to the local swimming pool.

I started taking down the notes, when I got a note from Ji Hun. He put it right on top of my book, so I wouldn't miss it. However, I just gave it back, without giving it a single glance. Unfortunately, he put it on top of where I was just writing, so I would have to stop and give it back, yet again.

But instead I read it, only because I knew that if I didn't, he would've just done the same all over again. There was really no point in continuing, it would've only further angered him because I was already late. So, I opened the note, and read it:

'I can't wait to see you in your swim suit babe.'

I rolled my eyes, and returned the note. He smirked as he wrote something else on it, and passed it to me. Once again, I took it. Only this time, I wasn't able to read it for the teacher was behind us. Not only did she see the note, but she also took it from me.

'Haven't I said enough times already, that notes are not to be passed around in my classroom? I did say that, right?' Miss Kim said to us, and continued up towards the classroom.

'Miss, you also said that if you caught anyone doing that again, you'd go ahead and read the note.' A guy said, who I recognised to be one of Ji Hun's friends. In the corner of my eye, I could see Ji Hun giving his friend a thumbs up.

'I know, but I think it's an invasion of privacy, so I won't do it. But next time, trust me, I will, and I mean it.' The teacher said, and I let out a small sigh of relief. But today doesn't seem to be going very well, as that same guy urged yet again.

'But Miss, how are we ever going to take you seriously if you don't stay true to your word? I might as well keep on passing notes, because I know you'll do nothing about it-

'What do you mean 'keep on' passing notes?' The teacher interrupted. I was kind of happy she did, because this would hopefully sidetrack them enough to forget about reading the note. But like I said beforehand, today just isn't going my way.

'Aw Miss, you're going a bit off topic here, and you know what I meant. But now, I don't think I'll ever believe in you when you say that-

'Fine, okay. Let this be a lesson fot you two, especially you mister. This definitely isn't the first time for you. But Mina, I have to say, I am a little disappointed in you.' Miss Kim said, and cleared her throat a little. She unfolded the letter, and read it to herself. I hope she doesn't read it aloud, I really really hope.

And thankfully she didn't, she folded up the letter and put it on her desk. I'm quite happy she didn't, because I don't think I'd be able to live with the embarrassment if she did. But instead of dropping the matter, she called both Ji Hun and I and to the door. She waited until both of us were just outside the classroom, and closed the door.

'Now you two, I don't want any of this carry on when we get to the pool. I don't mind what you do outside of school, but keep it out of my classroom, understood?' She said, as we both nodded in agreement, and headed back inside.

'Oh, I can't wait to see you in your swimming suit!' A voice shouted out, as soon as the teacher as well as us, got into the classroom. I could feel my face heating up, at the mention of what was on the note. Everyone bust out laughing, as I stood there embarrassed.

'Can't wait to finally get that kiss, under the water, where no-one will see!!' Another kid shouted. My face heated up even more (if that was even remotely possible) at the realisation of what that was. It must have been what Ji Hun wrote on it, just before it was in the teacher's possession. And now the whole class knows, that's just great. Just as I thought the day couldn't get any worse, it really did, and went way beyond the limit I had.

'All right everyone, calm down. Let's just get back to work, and then we'll be able to leave.' The teacher said, not even bothering to address what just happened. I returned to my seat, now dreading to leave for swimming....

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A/N I have to say, that was one difficult chapter to write. I hate putting my characters in positions like these, but I do it anyways. So for this chapter question, it's from Ji Hun:

'On a scale from 1-10, how confident are you in front of a crowd?'

'On a scale from 1-10, how confident are you in front of a crowd?'

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