Chapter 31: My pal maxi

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Sorry this chapter isn't very good but ill try and make the next ones more exciting, if you've got any ideas please let me know and ill probably use them cos I can't think of anything else to write!

It had been a week since me and jess fully made up and I had been in such a good mood! I walked to bondi so I could sunbathe and I got talking to maxi, we were talking about jesse upcoming birthday and what I should buy him and weather to have a party or not. We decided to have a party in icebergs on his actual birthday and I couldn't wait, I loved parties and I would be making sure this one was extra special!

Jesse had seen me and maxi talking so he came down and stood with us but as soon as he came down me and maxi ran away, we had jesse chasing us down north end of bondi and it was hilarious! he finally caught up to us so I said to maxi 'don't tell a soul what I just told you okay!' he nodded and walked off, jess at this point was curious as to what we were talking about and he begged me to tell him but I didn't, they don't call it a surprise party for nothing now do they? He said 'what was so important that you can't even tell your own boyfriend?' I said oh nothin it doesn't matter just talking to my mate maxi and I walked away from him, he ran after me and pulled me into a kiss and when I broke away he said "do I get to know now?" I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran away shouting 'noooo'.

I loved shopping for presents but I had no idea what to get him, he had everything and he never really asked for much, I decided to go and see his mum and dad and see if he had mentioned anything to them.

I pulled up the drive at their house and knocked on the door, deb opened the door as happy as usual and pulled me into a big hug, I walked into the living room and I think they were expecting jesse behind me but I shouted 'I'm on my own today we need to talk!' they came running in and sat down and said whattt? I said 'has jess mentioned anything he wants for his birthday?' and she said there is one place that he has always wanted to visit and its Greece, by this time I had a huge smile on my face and said omg I love Greece I practically lived there in the summer when I lived in England! I said 'when I get home ill book it straight away! this is going to be AMAZING!!!!' I told them about the party and to meet me at icebergs at 8pm, I told them to invite their family and give them the details, they agreed and I left.

Later on I was on the laptop booking a holiday to Greece, 10 days in Mykonos and 10 days in Santorini, I couldn't wait and I couldn't wait to see jesses face when I told him the news! jesse came running into the bedroom once he came home from work and I slammed the laptop down so he couldn't see what I was doing, he said "are you buying me something for my birthday babe?" I decided to play dumb and said what is it your birthday soon I had no idea! he looked confused, I don't think he knew if I was joking or not! he still hasn't fully gotten used to the scouse sense of humour ill tell you that! he moved the laptop off my knee and replaced it with himself, he began to kiss me but I just wasn't in the mood for that, I pushed him off and said no not now please baby, being respectful he got off but I was worried, I never passed on an opportunity but oh well.

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