Chapter 22: Day With Nicola

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We had been back home for a week now so I decided that I would hang out with Nicola and do some girly things instead of hanging around guys all the time, it was fun but I needed some girl time in my life!

I sent her a quick text and I was in luck, it was her day off so we arranged to meet in town at 12. I got in the shower and washed my hair, I dried it and curled it, put on some shorts and a crop top and left.

When I got there Nicola was already there, we decided to go and get our nails done first so she took us to a little shop in the corner, I got stiletto acrylics and she just got shellac because long nails wasn't a good idea when your a lifeguard! I hadn't got to spend time with Nicola so I was really enjoying our day. We then went clothes shopping I got some new shorts, tops and underwear and she got some new tops and shoes, we had been shopping for 4 hours so we decided to get something to eat. We went into a restaurant overlooking to beach, I ordered chicken and chips and so did Nicola, I looked around the restaurant and out the corner of my eye, I thought I seen someone I knew but it was probably just someone who had come into the shop, I turned back to talk to Nic and I felt someone behind me, I was terrified! they put their hands over my eyes and said 'guess who it is Amy' I started to thing if all of the people who knew me here and there was loads but then I thought about it and realised that I recognised the accent and I said 'Ross' he let go and said how did you guess? I said 'well considering were in Australia you don't normally hear too many scouse accents do you' Nicola was confused, I introduced them and told her that Ross was my best mate from England, she looked relieved, she thought that I was cheating on jesse! I said omg no never and she laughed, she got a text off her boyfriend telling her he needed her at home so she had to leave, she left me and Ross together.

I started to ask 'why are you here omg I can't believe your here!' he said 'yeah I know I'm so excited to be here and too see you!' I asked him where he was staying and he said well with you I hope, I looked shocked and said whattt! he said when you were in Liverpool you said that I can stay with you whenever I wanted to? I said yeah but I need warning before you just show up! he apologised and I said well I can't just leave you on the streets, go and get your stuff and we'll go back to mine. When he was getting his bags I rang jesse and said 'hey baby, so Ross has turned up out the blue and wants to stay with us is it okay?' he said 'if he has too but not for too long okay! I thanked him and told him he would get something nice later on and that cheered him up, we got into the car and drove to our apartment.

We got outside and I helped Ross get his bags out the boot and we carried them inside, jesse was waiting on the couch for me and came and give me a massive kiss, I didn't want him showing off in front of Ross, he was a mate and I never liked him in that way! He went and shook his hand and showed him to his room, I could hear him saying 'this is mine and Amy's house so don't try any funny business with her okay because ill kill you, she is my life and I love her and I don't need you ruining that got it? he said yes and jesse came out and kissed me again, while I did love all the attention he was giving me it got a bit annoying.

Jesse got a phone call off his mate dean telling him that there was a huge swell at ours and to get down there, he left in a hurry, I loved how much he loved surfing! Ross came out of the room and said you got any ale? I looked in the cupboard and there wasn't much so we went shopping, we got to the shops and we went straight for the alcohol section, we threw in some beers and vodka and other spirits and some wine, we went and paid for it and left, while we were walking to the car I saw Matt Dee and Maxi in the car park and they looked shocked! They ran over and said 'Amy! have you and jesse split up omg where is he what happened?' I said nothing happened I'm still with jesse this is my mate Ross from back home he's staying with us for a bit, maxi muttered 'bet jesse isn't to happy about that' and matt laughed, matt was a bit weary of Ross and so was maxi, they said he was up to no good but I didn't think anything of it really, we left them and went home and done some shots and had a few beers, I had quite a high alcohol tolerance so I wasn't drunk unlike Ross who was falling everywhere! I got up and texted jesse and asked him to come home because when Ross got drunk he can't control himself, he didn't text back so I just accepted he was still in the water, I got up to get some food when Ross followed me to the kitchen, he put his hands around me and rested them on the counter and his was telling me to break up with jesse and go back to England to be with him, I told him to get away but he didn't listen, he just kept getting closer and closer, we heard the door open and I screamed 'JESSE!!!' and then all of a sudden Ross kissed me, I tried to push him off but he wouldn't let go his kiss got harder and harder and he started to feel my body, jesse came bursting through the doors and seen what was happening, I was waving my arms everywhere to tell him that it wasn't me and jesse dragged Ross off me, I sat on the floor crying and jesse 'taught Ross a lesson' to say the least then jesse came running out to me and cradled me in his muscular arms, I felt so protected when I was with him and I loved him so much! he kissed my head and carried me to bed, we both got in and I cuddled his naked chest I was shaking uncontrollably and couldn't stop, I was terrified, I wanted him out! jesse kept reassuring me that he would hurt me again because he wouldn't let it but I was still scared. I slept clutching onto jesse all night and he woke up with marks off my nails all over him, I felt so sorry for him, I wish that I had never invited him into our home and everything was all my fault! I kept apologising to jesse but he kept telling me that it was okay, I wasn't to know that Ross had an obsession with me did I? I cuddled him and wouldn't leave his side most of the day.

Dean text him again and told him about more waves at ours, he said he didn't have to go if I didn't want him too so I asked if I can come and he got excited, I had never seen him surf ours before and I was excited too! we got there and I was still shaken up and some of the guys asked what was wrong so I told them, they were all shocked! I found Jai, kobys older brother and he let me sit with him while jesse was surfing, I watched for about an hour but then I fell asleep on jai, jess came out of the water and seen me asleep and said 'my god this girl can sleep for years!' everyone laughed and I woke up. Jesse helped me up and said we were going home, then it hit me again, Ross would be there and I was scared again, my faced dropped and some of jesses mates offered to help kick him out and I agreed, we drove home but he was already gone, he left a not saying 'Amy and Jesse I'm sorry about last night but I was too drunk, please forgive me, I've went home.' I was so relieved that he was gone so we decided to have a party with all the ale we had from the night before.

The lads text a few of his mates and they turned up quickly, there was an apartment full of one girl and about 100 bra boys, I loved them all and they were like a family too me! We partied through the night and all morning, we stopped at around 11am and everyone crashed out, me and jesse were in bed together and we slept through all day and night, I loved parties so I was in with the right group of people if this is what every party the boys have is like!

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