Chapter 21: Goodbye!

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I was looking forward to leaving Liverpool and going back to Maroubra, I felt like I had been away for ages and I really missed all my new friends. We all packed our bags and my mum and dad drive us to the airport, when we got there we all hugged goodbye and we left to go and board the plane, I couldn't wait to get back home into the hot weather!

We boarded the plane and I sat by the window looking out, it felt like I was leaving Liverpool for the first time again, I would never of imagined my life to turn out the way it had in the past few months and I was beyond happy! Jesse held my hand and we took off, it was such a long flight and when we landed in Singapore we had to say goodbye to koby who was going to see his girlfriend Olya in Bali! I couldn't wait to meet her as she was only a few years older than me, me and jesse got a drink and we were exhausted!

Our flight got called for and we went and took our seats, jesse text his dad so he could pick us up when we landed. I fell asleep after we took off and I was asleep for most of the flight, jesse woke me up when we were landing and I was super excited! We were finally home and I couldn't wait to feel the sun on my face!! We went to collect our bags and jesse seen kobys brother Sunny, he went over and hugged him and introduced me he gave me a hug and said I finally get to meet you! You are all jesse talks about 'oh Amy said this' 'Amy done that' he is so in love with you Amy! I smiled and we spoke for a while, jesses dad texted and said he was outside so we went to meet him. We jumped into the car and he took us back to our apartment, I ran upstairs and went asleep straight away! I slept all day an all night an woke at 11am the next day! I woke up and jesse had left a note 'morning gorgeous, got no food so I've went shopping see you soon Jxx' I lay in bed and checked my Instagram and there was a picture of me asleep on the plane with jesses ugly face in the corner saying 'hahaha someone's fell asleep' and there are loads of him and koby pulling faces with me asleep in the background! I was going to kill him when he came home!

When jesse came home I decided I was going to tease him and see how far I could take it. I got changed into some sexy underwear and waited for him to come home, I heard the door open and seem him start to put the food away so I walked out and stood behind him feeling his chest and then his stomach, he turned around and his eyes lit up, I had got him exactly where I wanted him! he started to kiss my neck and I let him for a while until I broke away grabbed his hand and lead him to the couch, the I sat on his knee and just started to watch tv, his face was priceless! he said ' what are you doing babe?' I said watching telly what does it look like I'm doing? he said 'well its too late now were going to have to have sex I'm too far gone to not, I looked down and there was a bulge in his pants, I had never really had this effect on him before so I was happy! It was so nice to have sex in your own bed for once and it was good sex too!

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