Chapter 25: Its Christmassss!

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Even though I was exhausted I still wanted to make the most of Christmas Day! I woke up and jumped on jesse screaming its christmassss wake up sleepy head! I was like a 5 year old all over again, jesse woke up and he grabbed me and cuddled me I was in such a good mood!

We went into the living room and jesse went and got all of the presents, I gave him his first, the look on his face when he seen the surfboard was priceless! he was so shocked! he looked like he was going to cry and he came and sat on my knee and thanked me, he wouldn't stop hugging me and I loved how happy he was! I gave him the rest of his presents and he was so happy with them all! it was finally my turn to get presents and I opened the First one and it was a 'sexy cop' uniform and he said 'I hate the police but I think I might like this one' and winked at me, he bought me a gorgeous bracelet and he got us a holiday to Bali! I couldn't believe it, I had been saying for months that I wanted to go to bali and now we were going!!

We went and put our Christmas clothes on and we drove to jesses parents house, all of the family were there and as usual we were late, it was always us being late for everything! When we got in we were greeted by jesses cousin strummer showing us his new surfboard, jesse picked him up and gave him a hug and he passed him to me, he was so cute, he said 'Amy did Santa come to yours and jesses house?' I said yes and he even left some presents for you! his face lit up and we walked into the kitchen where all the family was, strummer insisted on showing us every single one of his presents and his mum came in and said 'so when are you two gonna start trying for a baby then?' I looked at jesse and he looked at me and we didn't know what to say so we just laughed it off, I had been thinking about having kids a lot lately and considering I had never held a baby before it was weird! strummer finally finished showing us all of his presents and we sat him on the couch and gave him his presents of us, jesse had gotten him some clothes and loads of toys! he really spoiled him, strummer was staying in our apartment so his mum and dad could have a night out, and jesse had promised to take him for his first surf in the morning.

Jesses mum called us in for Christmas dinner and I was shocked to see that they ate the same as we did back home, I said 'I thought you would have ate like a BBQ or something omg' they all laughed and said 'typical pommy' I said 'hey I'm not a pommy I'm a scouser and they all laughed! the food was lovely and I was full to burst!

We all went and sat in the living room and talked for ages and then we gave out presents, I really had been spoiled by jesses family and I didn't expect it! They had really welcomed me and I was so grateful! after a few more hours we said goodbye and took strummer back to our apartment, he was exhausted and he fell asleep in the car. Jesse opened the door and took the presents in and I carried strummer in. he was so cute when he was asleep, he woke up when I lifted him up so he walked in he went straight to jesses new board and stood on it and said 'can we go for a surf now jesse' he said no tomorrow so he went and put the telly on. He came and took my hand and then jesses an sat us on the couch and he sat on my knee and watched telly until he fell asleep, jesse looked at us and said aw, he asked me how much did I love him and I said words can't explain how much and he said good because there is something I need to ask you, I said go on and he said seeing you with my family and now here with strummer and I have been thinking about what stummers mum was saying before, i want to start a family with you baby! I looked at him shocked and obviously said yes, I couldn't believe jesse had asked to try for a baby! I was so excited, he was amazing with strummer and I couldn't wait to see what he would be like with his own children!

He lifted strummer off my knee and took him to his bed and came back and sat on my knee and said 'I can't wait till we have our own little family, everything is perfect now, I love you so much Amy! I kissed him and we went to bed and let's just say trying for a baby started that night!

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