Chapter 23: itll all be okay

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I still hadn't gotten back to myself after Ross, I always thought that someone was watching me whenever I went out. I had work today for the first time in what seemed like forever and I was terrified to go, I had never been like this before, I had people after me with guns and knives and I was never this scared! I knew I had to snap out of it because it was starting to affect jesse, he didn't like leaving me on my own and he didn't even want to go surfing with his mates if I couldn't go because he was scared to leave me alone incase anything happened to me, I hated Ross for what he had done to us!

I didn't start work until 10am so I didn't bother getting up too early, jesse was on the afternoon shift and he woke me up just so he could have a cuddle with me? He always wanted to be near me or touching me (not in a weird way) I liked it but he became so protective of me, it got to 9:30 and I got ready for work, jesse walked me to work and spoke to koby for a while. He told him to keep an eye on me and to ring him if anything happened to me, I told him to stop worrying because I was a big girl and didn't need babysitting, he said yeah Okay ill stop being so protective over you, it's just because I love you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you! I gave him a kiss and he left.

The shop was reasonably quiet and koby just spoke to me most of the day, he was in shock when he heard the full story of what happened and he was sad he missed our 'little' party. I asked koby if jesse was this protective over all the girls he had been with and he said no not really, he didn't really have proper long time relationships, it was more just for the sex and that was it but with you it's different he wants to make an effort and he really loves you! I blushed. The day went reasonably quick and my head cleared and I was feeling a lot better, i think I just needed a change of scenery for a few hours, I loved my job and it was even better that I got to work for my best friend!

I finished work at 6pm and jesse didn't finish till 7 so I decided to pay him a visit, I walked to bondi and I seen him out by backpackers, he was with matt dee and matt had seen me and waved, jesse didn't notice me. I seen kobys younger brother Dakota not too far away from jesse so I went over to talk to him for a bit, jesse turned round and sprinted over to us, he hadn't noticed that it was Dakota and he seemed quite angry over something, Dakota turned round and jesse stopped still and started to walk calmly to us, I asked him what was wrong and he said 'I didn't know who you were talking to so I had to make sure it wasn't anyone trying to hurt you but when I seen Dakota I was alright' I told him that he needed to stop being so protective and that I could handle myself! I said goodbye to Dakota and walked over to matt, jesse went to the tower to get his stuff and I asked matt had jesse been alright today? he said that he has been acting weird saying that you needed him there because of what happened with Ross, I looked at him confused and said no I've been fine without him, he has become a bit obsessed with making sure I'm safe all the time an it's a bit irritating now to be honest, I know how to take care of things if anything ever happens so he just needs to calm down! Matt agreed and I heard jesse walking back over, I hugged matt goodbye and me and jesse walked to the car.

When we got home I asked jesse if we could talk and he looked worried, I said to him 'look jess you know that I'm safe and you need to stop being so worried about me and just focus on you, I'm fine being by myself and I'm not scared of Ross anymore, he was drunk and he isn't even in the country anymore!' he replied 'I know Amy but I just want you to be safe I can't help it I love you so much'

I slept on the couch that night, I needed some space for a bit, jesse wasn't to happy but he understood why. The next morning everything was back to the way it used to be, I liked it like that and I was happy to have my old jesse back, I ran into our bedroom and jumped on him and started to kiss him, I was unbelievably happy and I didn't know why, maybe sleeping on the couch actually does you good! jesse finally opened his eyes and grinned he seemed really happy and I lay in bed next to him.

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