Chapter 38: Back Home

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I packed all of my bags and rang jake to say bye and that he was welcome to stay with me and jesse anytime, a taxi pulled up outside and I hauled my bag into the boot and he drove me to the airport. I payed him and dragged my bags and after a long wait I finally boarded my flight and it took off.

I finally landed in Australia and I was exhausted, jesse was there to pick me up and I was beyond happy to see him, I ran over to him and he gave me a hug and kiss. I couldn't wait to finally get back to our appartment and start to live my life with jesse and our baby on the way, life couldn't get any better in Australia but everything in Liverpool was terrible and it needed sorting out one way or another! I still couldn't get over the fact that I'd been lied to my whole life and I wasn't ready to forgive any time soon.

As we were driving home there was another car driving very dangerously behind us, he was trying to do everything to get jesse to have him a race, I haven't got a clue what he was playing at! since I told jesse I was pregnant he has driven so carefully(most of the time) especially if I was in the car with him but this one time he lost it, he let the car go infront of him and I could see the arrow on the speedometer getting higher and higher, I told him to slow down because it was getting scary but he wouldn't listen, he had tunnel vision and he wasn't listening to a word I was saying! He managed to get alongside the other car and he shouted all sorts of abuse to him but this just made them more angry so they started to hit the side of our car with there's and each time it got more and more harder for jesse to get control back of the wheel, I glances over at the driven and the passenger and I recognised the passenger straight away, it was Sean! I had never really thought that they would come after me, not after all this time and in another continent but they obviously did and they wanted blood, (if you don't know who Sean is he is the one I shot in Liverpool from the rival gang and he always threatened to kill me when he finds me.) he smirked at me and nodded to the driver, obviously he wasn't going to do the dirty work, he never has and never will!

The driver hit our car that hard that it spun us off the road and we hit a lamppost, jesse was knocked out but he was fine, whereas the car had crushed around me and I couldn't move! I was more worried about jesse than myself I loved him so much and I never wanted anything to happen to him because of the things I done years ago! I screamed for help and people came running over and minutes later an ambulance was there trying to get jesse out but I was stuck an I needed a fire engine to cut me out of our car! I can't really remember much after that but I can remember me saying to the ambulance driver "don't let anything happen to him let me die instead" and then I blacked out.

I woke up in the ambulance and I began to panic, I just kept asking about jesse and they didn't have any news I was petrified and I needed to see him.

We finally arrived at the hospital and I was put on a bed and taken into a room where all the nurses and doctors checked me out, luckily I was only going to have cuts and bruises and a sore knee where the car crushed around I but that was it, I heard jesses voice outside and I tried to get up but I was still attached to monitors so I couldn't get up, he ran in and gave me a big kiss and hug and said to me "welcome home baby, hahaha" and we both just laughed, what a way to come home? he sat on the edge of my bed and as he sat down I asked the nurse to check and see if the baby was okay and healthy, he arranged for someone to come down and check within half an hour so we sat and waited.

Jesse kept apologising but I told him who it was and I could see the anger in him boiling, he rushed outside and phoned someone and all I could hear was "he's here and my girl and my baby are in danger and nothing is going to happen to them while I'm around" a little tear rolled down my cheek and he came back in and asked why I was crying and I said "you, what you just said, I don't know what it was but it made me realise that I am beyond in love with you Jesse polock and I don't know how I can show you how much I love you!" a tear then rolled down his cheek and we hugged and then a doctor came in with the ultrasound machine, this was the first time we were going to be seeing our baby and we were really nervous.

It took him a while to find the baby but he eventually found it and we got some pictures and he asked how far along I was and I thought I was around 3 months but in fact I was nearly 7 months!!! I was 6 months and 17 days! I couldn't believe it and mine and jesses jaw just dropped, we had nothing, no furniture, clothes or anything! we couldn't believe how far I was and I only had the tiniest little bump which if you didn't know I was pregnant you wouldn't be able to tell I just looked a bit bloated!

The doctor left us alone so I could get changed and jess couldn't stop staring at me, he was amazed that we were going to be having a new baby in 3 months and I was a big shock to us both, we were very unprepared to say the least!

As soon as we got home jesse rang koby and dean and they came over to congratulate us and to help paint the baby's room and pick furniture, we decided to not find out the sex so it could be a surprise for everyone, we decided that we would do a grey theme in the baby's room so we could add blue or pink and it would still match, we ordered some white furniture and it would be delivered next week. By this point I was exhausted, I had been awake for over 36 hours and I needed sleep, jesse,koby and dean were on the couch having beers so I went and sat in between jesse and koby and I snuggled into koby and fell asleep after 20 minutes, Koby being himself took tons of pictures of me asleep and the 3 boys doing funny stuff around me!

I woke up the next morning leaning against jesse and he had his hand perfectly placed on my bump and the baby began to kick, it woke him up and he just smiled at me and rubbed my belly again to feel the baby kick, he made me wake up the other 2 so they could all 'have a feel' of our baby, their faces lit up when they felt it and I really could feel the love in the room, jesse had amazing friends and I was excited for my baby to grow up around so much love!

Sorry this has taken so long to update, I have been going through a bad time as I suffer with depression but I will be updating a lot more! If anyone has any ideas that they want me to put in the story let me know and I will think about putting them in!!😄

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