Chapter 12: Let me introduce you

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I woke up to jesse shaking me one Monday morning, I had the day off and so did jesse so I was really confused as to why I was being woke up. Jesse told me that I was going to be meeting all the lads and Nicola down at bondi, I was really excited to finally be getting to meet them! I had knew jesse for so long and he always promised to introduce them to me but when the time was right.

I got dressed into some shorts and a cute top and sandals and threw my sunnies onto my hair and we jumped into his car and drove to bondi. Considering how long I had lived in Australia for I had only been to bondi a couple of times. Jesse text Maxi and asked if he was in the tower and he said yes, we walked down to the lifeguard tower and jesse put his arm around my waist and led me in, he walked in confidently but I was really nervous, some of the guys shouted hey to him and they didn't realise that I was with him, jesse said hey guys I want you to meet Amy my girl! Everyone turned round shocked and maxi came and gave me a hug, we had gotten really close since me and jess got together and I was so happy. All of the lads came over and said hi and introduced themselves then before I knew it there were more and more lifeguards coming into the tower, then I heard a girls voice and I knew that it was Nicola, she came over and have me a hug an said 'is this the famous Amy? All I have heard about is how amazing and gorgeous you are!' I looked at jesse and he had turned a lovely shade of red and I started to feel myself blush a little. I had never really had someone talk nice about me like that before. Some of the boys went back out and Nicola stayed to talk to me telling me that it was amazing to finally meet me because all jesse talks about is you! I told her that we should go out some time as I didn't have many girl friends as I had always been around jesse and his mates. we swapped numbers and jesse said bye to them and we went home.

He told me that I was amazing with his friends and they all told him that they really liked me I was beyond happy to hear this. Then I said to him 'so what have you been saying about me to the lads in work because they seemed to know so much about me?' he just looked at me and smiled and said your amazing and I wanted everyone to know about you so why not hey? I looked at his gorgeous blue eyes and kissed him passionately, I really loved him like proper love nothing like I had ever experienced before!

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