Chapter 16: Home

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I was woken up at 3am to the sound of my phone ringing, I would have normally left it but something inside me made me want to answer it, and to be honest I'm glad I did!

I answered the phone and it was my mum, she was crying and I could hear other people crying too, she couldn't get her words out so my cousin picked up the phone and told me my auntie had been in a bad crash and I needed to come home as soon as possible, before I could ask any questions my mum took the phone and said 'please Amy I would never ask this but it's important, they have said she might not have long left' without a doubt I was going to go home. I woke jesse up and told him and he seemed a bit pissed at me that I was leaving in an hour, I had rang the airline and they had a spare seat and it was mine if I wanted it, I didn't have time to tell jesse it all so I said 'I've gotta go home I'm not sure when I'll be back it'll probably be in a few weeks' thinking about it now I don't blame him for being pissed at me I know I would if he had done it to me, I packed a bag and left for the airport.

I arrived in Liverpool airport and my cousin jay was waiting for me outside, I hadn't spoke to any of my family since I had been in Australia and it had been 6 months, I didn't want to talk about Australia I didn't care about it all I cared about was seeing my auntie incase I didn't get the chance again. The drive seemed to take forever and me and jay couldn't hold a conversation anymore, he was still pissed at me for being with jesse, apparently my mum told them his name and they googled him and the found out about his past and they hated him.

We got to the hospital and the nurse let us in and I ran all the way to the ward she was on, she was in her own little room and the whole family was there, I burst through the doors and everyone looked at me in shock, only my mum and jay knew I was coming home so everyone was surprised to see me, my auntie looked awful, she was full of cuts and scrapes and there were tons of monitors coming off her lifeless body, she had been in a coma for 10 days but I had only just found out about it now, I glared at jay and he said 'not now' normally I would of caused a scene but now wasn't the time, we had to keep calm and hope for the best.

Hours ticked by and I checked my phone and had 27 missed calls off Jesse, 10 off Koby and 15 off Nicola, I decide to ring koby because I couldn't be dealing with jesse incase he started to flip on me, I wasn't in the right state of mind to argue with him after such a long day.

Koby answered the phone straight away and he sounded worried he said 'Amy where are you jesse came round to mine telling me you had left and went home and he doesn't know why because you didn't tell him! he said the phone rang and you seemed upset and packed a bag then left' I must have completely forgot to explain to jesse why I had gone so I told koby 'my auntie was in a huge car crash and she might not have long left so our jay rang me and told me what had happened so I had to leave right away!' by this time I had to step outside the room because everyone was looking at me. I told koby to tell jesse to ring me when he can because I needed to say sorry, he said okay and told me to stay strong for everyone and he will see me soon, we put the phone down and before I could lock my phone jesse rang, he began to start shouting and I started to cry, his tone suddenly changed and he said 'omg Amy what is happening, are you okay, I should be with you and not stuck here I need to be there for you so you can cry on my shoulder and I can cuddle you. This made me cry even more and I began to tell him what had happened and he apologised for being so horrible to my and he would take it all back if he could. He told me that he wanted to come over to be with me but I told him that it probably wasn't a good idea because jay and a few others hated him, that seemed to piss him off a little but he said that he would come over the minute I asked him to, I told him I loved him and I put the phone down.

I went back in the room and jay walked over to me and went who was that?! I said it was koby and jesse, he obviously wasn't impressed by the snarl I got off him, he told me that they were no good and I should be around them so I told him to mind his own business and leave me and jesse alone!

I had decided that I wanted jesse to be with me now more than ever so I text him and asked him to come over, he said okay and he already had a flight booked because he was going to come over anyway! I was so happy that he cared that much that he would fly across the world just to be with me at this time.

For hours and hours everyone sat in silence listening to the monitors beeping but then the beeping got slower until it eventually stopped.

My heart dropped and everyone began to cry, I wished the plane would get here so I could cuddle jesse, I felt so alone, everyone was hugging but I didn't want any of them to touch me, I stood up and walked out sobbing. I got to the front door when I heard a voice shouting Amy and it stood out like a sore thumb, it was my gorgeous jesse, he was here, I ran up to him and he swung me around and I just cried, he stroked my hair and gave me a kiss, I heard another Aussie accent and I wondered who it could be, well it was only koby wasn't it! He ran up to us both and joined in our hug! I was so blessed to have them here but I could tell that my family wouldn't be too happy about them both being here! They hated jesse and koby so them both turning up just as my auntie had passed away probably wasn't going to go down very well.

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