Chapter 7: The Beach

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Jesse drove quite quickly back to the beach because he wanted to go surfing as there were really big waves today, when we got there jesse helped me set up my towel and he left his clothes with me and he ran off into the surf and I laid down to sunbathe after about an hour a group of lads surrounded me saying all things to me and I got abit scared, being from Liverpool I knew how to handle myself and other people but these lads were on another level so I stood up and began arguing with them then they started to try and touch me and before I knew it there was 10 lads all grabbing me trying to touch my body I was truly scared for my life and then I seem jesse and koby and some of the lads from earlier come running over screaming at these other lads to leave me alone, jesse managed to squeeze through them and he grabbed me and pulled me away from them I was shaking so much that they couldn't stop me for 10 minutes, koby and the other lads were arguing with them and they walked off koby came I've and assured me that they won't be bothering me again and I felt relieved, jesse pulled me into a big bear hug and I didn't let him go I felt safe in his arms.

Jesse grabbed our stuff and took me home as I was still shaken up by the whole thing so he sat me down on the couch and I asked him for a cuddle and he came over like a flash. I was really starting to like jesse and I think he feels the same way.

It started to get late so he got up and made us some tea and we sat in silence eating and he just kept asking me if I was okay, he was a real gentleman not like the lads were in Liverpool. I started to ask him about his tattoos and he was telling me all the stories behind them, I loved him telling me stories and then he got to the big 'my brothers keeper' tat on his chest and told me that he was a bra boy and the media makes them out to be these terrible people but they are just a really close group of brothers and he told me not to listen to what people say about them and I told him that I wasn't bothered about who he hung round with because there were gangs 10x worse than that back home and I wasn't scared of them so i think I'll be okay around the bra boys, he told me that they liked me anyway because the big group of lads at the beach who helped me were all bra boys and I was happy to know that I had the bra boys to help me.

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