Chapter 24: Christmas Eve

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It was weird being in a completely different country to my family on Christmas Eve, we always spent it together watching films, I missed them and I wished I could be in two places at one, it was annoying with the time zones too, I always wanted to ring them but they were asleep or I was asleep! I went Christmas Eve shopping to take my mind of not being with my family, I bought me and jesse matching onesies! they were so funny on the back of his I got 'I❤Amy written on it and 'I❤Jesse on the back of mine, I picked up a few last minute things and headed home, jesse had a week off over Christmas and new year so we could spend lots of time together, he had been sort of distant the past few days and I started to get worried, I thought he might have started to go off me and I wished that he wasn't because I loved him more than anything!

I got home and jesse was already there, we had been so busy that we had forgotten to decorate so he had been out and bought a tree and decorations, I showed him the onesies and he loved them, he seemed in a better mood now and I was happy, we decorated the tree and it looked beautiful, we took a picture of us and the tree, we looked like a proper family and it was so cute!

I started to wrap jesses presents and I was so excited to give him them! I had got him a Michael kors watch, a new surfboard that koby had helped me pick out, he said that jesse had his eye on this board for ages and he was excited for me to give it to him! also I got us a spa day, hot air balloon ride and other little things, I absolutely loved giving people presents that I know they would love and I couldn't wait to see what he had gotten me!

It started to get late and we still hadn't eaten, I made a big pan of scouse this morning and it was cooked to perfection, it was jesse first time eating scouse and he was excited to try it! I set the table and put it into two bowls, I brought it out to jesse and said 'here you go sir, dinner is ready' he laughed and ran to the table. Jesse didn't say a word for the whole time we ate and I didn't know weather it was a good or bad thing, once he had finished eating he looked at me and smiles and said 'well that was absolutely delicious!' I was made up that he liked it and he wanted more, good job that I made tons of it!

After tea we sat on the couch snuggled up and watched Santa Claus and elf, I had never been a fan if Christmas but this year it was different I couldn't wait and I was so excited! I fell asleep on jesse and he carried me to bed, by this time it was 2am and I woke up when he put me down, I smiled and said merry christmas gorgeous and kissed him, he said merry christmas beautiful and he put his arm over my stomach and fell asleep. I couldn't wait until the morning and I cuddled into jesse and fell asleep again, his body was so cosy!

I woke up in the night because I had a horrible nightmare! I woke up shaking and it woke jesse up, I couldn't remember what it was about but I couldn't get back asleep after it, I lay there for hours and hours and I finally fell asleep at 6am, I only had about 2 hours sleep that whole night and I was exhausted!

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