Chapter 37: Now Or Never.

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It began to rain as I got a taxi to my parents house, I was so nervous because I didn't know how they would react! I wasn't even sure if my dad knew considering he wasn't Josh's dad!

I pulled up outside the house and no one was in, I knocked for ages and then I remembered I had a key so I let myself in and made myself a drink. I went upstairs to my bedroom and collected some things that I wanted to take back home with me when I heard the door opening, I walked downstairs and greeted a very surprised mum and dad! They hugged me and asked me how I had been and I said 'well that I actually why I'm here, I need to talk to you mum face to face and not over the phone and I don't know how your going to react' she looked concerned and we went and sat down in the living room.

She looked more worried than I was, I just came out and said 'why didn't you tell me that you had another child, in particular a son called josh?' I blurted it out and I couldn't stop myself, I had a whole speech in my head prepared and I just didn't even care anymore I just wanted answers! she didn't know what to do, she began to stutter and I said 'I met josh at jesses birthday party and we done a DNA test and he's my brother!!' I was beyond angry! I finally let her get a word in and she told me that 'she had josh when she was young and his dad wanted a baby and she didn't so she had him and his dad would bring him up' she apologised and said 'I never thought that you two would ever meet so I didn't bother telling you about him' I asked if my dad knew and she nodded. I couldn't believe that she had told him and didn't tell me! What else weren't they telling me? I couldn't trust them anymore! After this there was a lot of screaming at each other and my dad got involved and started to argue with me too, I thought now was the right time to tell them that I was making a permanent move to Australia and they would never see me again and I stormed out of the house screaming as I walked out of the door.

I got the bus back to my hotel and I rang jesse and told him everything that had happened with them and he was in shock he said 'I didn't think they would react like that babe are you okay?' I said yes. They didn't care about anything but themselves and I couldn't believe how they were acting! I had never seen this side of my parents and I hated them! I was beyond angry!

I decided that seeing my cousin jake might cheer me up a bit so I called him and asked to go to dinner with him, he agreed and we met at a restaurant and then he came back to my hotel with me, I loved having him the same age as me and we had gotten really close recently!

The next day I decided I needed to relax. There was a little shop near my hotel so I walked to it to get some sweets, when I walked in there was an Australian magazine with me and jesse on the cover! I immediately bought it and the sweets and took it back to the hotel and I was terrified to see what they had written about us! the picture was when I left jesse in the airport and he was crying and I had walked away! I knew that I had heard a camera go off but I didn't think it was a magazine! I turned over the pages and it was an article saying that me and jesse had broken up because i had been cheating on him and I had went back home to Liverpool and jesse was distraught! I couldn't believe it! how could someone write these lies about us? we were perfectly happy together. Someone had taken pictures of me and jake leaving the restaurant and then going back to my hotel, they had said that he was my new boyfriend and I cheated on jesse with him! I was so stressed because jesse had never seen a picture of jake so he wouldn't know that it was him! I rang jesse immediately and I screamed 'have you seen that magazine'!!! He said yes! Who is that lad you were with? I said omg jesse that is jake my cousin who I was telling you about the other week! I heard his sigh of relief and I sighed too. We decided that people needed to see that we were still together so I told him to FaceTime me and I screenshot it and out it on Instagram with the caption 'Ignore all these lies that me and jesse have split up, I'm in Liverpool for family reasons, we are still madly in love with each other!!' I couldn't believe everything that had happened to me over the past few weeks, I was so overwhelmed with everything! I couldn't wait to get back to Australia and be away from my shady parents!

I turned on my laptop to look for flights back home when an email popped up saying "so your back in Liverpool then, hope I BUMP into you" it was from an email address I didn't recognise as there wasn't a name in it, I was terrified, who was it? more of a good reason to fly home quickly, I knew the longer I was in England the more danger I was in, at least if I was in Maroubra jesse and the boy would protect me as much as they could! There was a flight leaving tomorrow night so I booked it, the sooner I was away from Liverpool the better for everyone!

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