Chapter 14: Meeting the Polocks

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I woke up early ever since I moved to Maroubra and it didn't bother me at all, I went and got breakfast and then went for a bath. I made sure I was quiet so that I didn't wake up jesse, I ran a hot bath got in and turned on some music and closed my eyes, next thing I knew I heard the door open but I didn't think anything of it so I didn't open my eyes then I felt someone touch my hair and I jumped, I turned round so quickly to find out that it was jesse and well let's just say if he wasn't my boyfriend I would have hit him, he gave me a kiss and said in a quick voice 'weremeetingmyparentstonight' and ran out the door and went to work. It's a good job I could understand what he said but then the nerves began to creep up inside me and I was terrified! What if they didn't like me? What if they don't like scousers? All of these things began to run through my mind and then I felt sick with nerves, I got out of the bath and got changed and walked to work.

Koby was the only one at the shop and as soon as he seen me he came running over screaming what's the matter? what's the matter? I said jesse is taking me to see his parents to introduce me and I'm terrified! He said that I looked like I'd seen a ghost and smiled. He told me not to worry because 'Deb and Porky' were alright, I gathered that were there names and it was cute that Koby was close to his mates parents like that. I felt a little bit more at ease now so I started working, the day was pretty quiet so there wasn't much to do, me and koby just talked most of the day and we had became really good friends, he always said if I ever needed anything just let him know.

It was 5pm and Koby told me to go home as he was going to lock up early and go surfing so I walked home, when I got in jesse was already home and he gave me a big hug an kiss, he told me that we had to go now and I told him that I wasn't dressed and he said it didn't matter cos my uniform was just and MBK top and shorts so it was okay. We got in the car and the nerves began to set in again, jesse could tell that I was nervous because I shook my knee, he said what's wrong and I just told him that I was nervous incase they didn't like me, he told me not to be stupid and they would love me, I said what if they don't like me cos I'm from Liverpool or they can't understand me cos of my accent, he said well your accent is quite annoying but I love it and I love you so stop worrying!!

We pulled up to a little house near the beach and jesse got out first and came and held my hand as he led me to the front door, jesses mum opened the door and she gave jesse a hug and looked at me and said 'ah you must be Amy I have been so excited to meet you we all have' I looked at jesse and said 'all'? and he said well you might be meeting more than just my mum and dad, all my family wanted to meet you so they are all here really! I was shocked and he squeezed my hand and said stop worrying!

Jesse walked in with me behind him, I felt his grip get tighter as we got closer, I think that he was just as nervous as I was but he didn't want to show it, from the hall I heard a familiar voice and realised it was koby, so much for locking up to go for a surf I thought to myself. We walked in the door and about 30 pairs of eyes stared at me and the room went silent, jesse gave me a reassuring smile and said 'hey so this is my girl Amy, she's from Liverpool in England so she's got a weird accent so if you can't understand her ask her to talk slower cos they all talk dead fast' I went bright red and we sat down on the couch, everyone stared at me and someone in their 20's said to me 'go on say something I want to hear your accent, we've heard it on a YouTube video an we all want to hear one in real life' I said well what do ye want me to say and she said say 'I want some chicken an a can of coke' wow like I've never been asked to say that before, I smiled and said it in the scousest accent I could do and that all laughed and so did jesse, they were all amazed at my accent and they all agreed it was hysterical.

We spoke for the rest of then night and everyone was asking me questions, jesse even threw in some just so he could hear me say things with my 'accent' the usual questions like what's it like in Liverpool so I set wet and depressing, and do you all have that accent I thought you spoke posh so I said different places speak with different accents and done some I the other accents and they all laughed and said that they all want to go to Liverpool! The night was amazing and jesses family were lovely!

Jesses mum 'Deb' asked me to help her take the cups out to the kitchen so I said okay and she told me that 'all jesse does it talk about you! He really loves you Amy and I'm so happy that its you he is with! You can tell he really loves you, he never takes his eyes of you when he's with you and it's so nice to finally see him happy after the past few years' I sort of knew what she meant my mum had said the same thing to me when I skyped her the day after she met jesse, she said that I seemed so much happier with him and he really has changed me for the better! It began to get late and we had to leave, we said goodbye to everyone and headed home.

When we got home we sat on the couch with a blanket round us both and he looked at me and said my family absolutely loved you Amy and I'm so glad that they did because I love you so much, like real love and I don't think that I have ever been this in love in my life, I'm so glad that I met you and you have changed my life forever! A tear rolled down my cheek and I kissed him, when we stopped I looked him in his gorgeous eyes and said jesse I love you too, my life has changed so much since I've met you and I'm so happy with you, even my mum said how happy I am now I'm with you and I'm never going to leave you! We cuddled up on the couch and watched a film an then went to bed.
It truly was an amazing day!

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