Chapter 39: Time for a change!

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I'm so sorry I've not updated this for years haha but I'm going to finally finish this story one way or another so please bare with me it's been a while! 

The timing fell actually quite well, it was coming up to my birthday and we decided it was time to sort of announce the pregnancy officially? I didn't really want a fuss for my birthday this year and just wanted to spend quality time with my friends and new found family.  A few people started to assume I was hiding something as I became a lot more careful when doing things and Jesse was very protective whenever he was around, he watched my every move to make sure I was okay and didn't need any help( I mean I'm only pregnant but he insisted) anyway, I started to show a little once I got home from the hospital but I managed to keep it concealed for a bit longer, my boobs started to swell slightly but other than that I could get away with saying I'd just been over eating the past few weeks. 

Jesse had taken me shopping to buy some new clothes for both me and the baby, he treated me constantly and I couldn't wait for him to see his baby and get to be as amazing as he already was. I picked out the most gorgeous dress for my birthday, popped into the changing room to try it on, opened the curtains to see if Jesse approved his jaw just dropped! I didn't think I would have that reaction out of him as I began struggling with how I looked as I had always been very slim but I had to get used to it one way or another. He told me that was the one and I needed to wear it on my birthday so I agreed and went back in to get changed. I met him at the till and we paid and left. 

I'd been thinking of having a change of hairstyle for a while now but never actually had the courage to do something about it, always pushed it to the back of my mind and that was about it. While walking through the mall we bumped into koby and Olya, we began chatting and with them knowing I was pregnant Olya and I went baby shopping and Jesse and Koby went for a beer somewhere. I had gotten super close to Olya as she was spending a lot more time in Aus which was perfect for me as I needed a bestie by my side. We had been to a few shops and picked up some bits for the new baby and I just said I need to do it! Olya was slightly confused and didn't know what I was talking about but she followed me to the hairdressers anyway, I'd always had the same haircut and I'd always wanted to be blonde so I bit the bullet and done it. 

After a couple of hours in the hairdressers we were done, Olya had gotten highlights and a cut and blow and I had gone full blonde with a curly blow too. I was nervous to show Jesse what I'd done to my hair as I'd not even told him I'd been thinking about it but he sort of had no choice because I'd already done it! Hahah! 

Koby text Olya and told her to take me home as they were going to stay out for a few more drinks so we took my car back to our apartment to chill. I showed Olya all of the baby things we had been buying, it was so exciting to have someone just as excited as I was especially it being a girl to do this with, as much as I love Jesse and his friends I needed girl time desperately. The night grew later and later and the boys still weren't home, we ordered some pizza and watched films on the couch until we both dozed off, that was until both our phones went off simultaneously we both jumped up and answered then, of course Jesse and Koby were very drunk by this point exclaiming that they didn't know how to get home even though the mall was only a 10 minute walk away but anyway, we agreed to go and pick them up and bring them back home. We pulled to the side of the road where they were both staggering around, we finally managed to get them into the car and got home and put them both to bed! I got everyone some water and went to join Jesse in bed, by this point he was too drunk to realise that I had blonde hair and to be fair it was pretty dark too so he cuddled into me and began speaking to my belly which he done one a nightly basis. The things he says to me and my bump make my heart melt, no matter how drunk he or sober he was he always told my bump how much mummy and daddy loved it and kissed our bump goodnight and fell asleep. 

Everyone woke up quite late the next day, which I didn't mind as I loved to sleep! I woke up first and got myself a cup of tea and went and sat in bed on my phone, Jesse woke up slowly and pulled me in for a cuddle, I asked if he wanted something to drink and he needed water and some painkillers for his head, I went and grabbed some and as I walked through the door his jaw dropped yet again, it had completely left my mind the fact I was now blonde and my bump had suddenly popped overnight so I looked really quite pregnant! He began telling me how gorgeous I looked with blonde hair and curls, he then pulled me back into bed and pulled me onto his lap, I could quickly tell where this would be ending! Having sex while pregnant was getting harder and harder as then days went on (no pun intended) but I was enjoying it just as much and I could tell Jesse was too by the way he made love to me! He pulled me off his lap and laid me on my back and began kissing my whole body I've never felt so amazing in my life! It was definitely getting better and better our sex life and I had no complaints at all! 

We seemed to wake the rest of the apartment up oops and we all just chilled around the house for most of the day, it was the day before my birthday so we didn't really need to do much and I just wanted to relax. By the time it was 6pm everyone was starving so we took ourselves off to a seafood restaurant overlooking the beach and had the most amazing night drinking mocktails obviously! Koby and Olya left us after the restaurant and me and Jesse went back home, I was feeling really tired by this point mainly because of the sheer amount of food I'd eaten so I took myself off for an early night and left Jesse to watch tv. 

I woke up around 11pm as I needed a drink and crept into the kitchen, I could hear Jesse fumbling around with things but I chose not to look as I didn't want to ruin my surprises! I took myself back to bed and cuddled into the blanket and drifted off to sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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