Chapter 30: It gets better

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I slept in the spare bedroom for the next week and me and jesse didn't talk much, he couldn't look at me without getting teary eyed and I hated what this girl had done to us!

I went to work and koby was quite pissed at jesse for cheating on me! I walked into work and he would always give me a hug but this hug felt different, he hugged me tighter and was stroking my hair, he was telling me that everything will be okay and thing will work themselves out in the end. I never cried but this brought a year to my eye, I said "well if olya slept with one of her exs what would you do? he said well I'd beat the shit out of him and I smiled and said see it not just easy to forgive and forget! he nodded and walked into the back to give me some more T-shirts for work, I loved the 'uniform' it was so comfy!

The day went by really slowly and it was very empty, I went for my dinner at 1pm and when I got outside jesse was stood there waiting for me, he started to apologise again and I said "we've already done the apologising and shit I'm just still pissed that you would even go near her I you knew what she is like! I bet you would never speak to me if I slept with another guy" he nodded and said "I know baby but I really need to make it up to you I can't go on without us being in love, I miss us baby and I need you!" I ran back inside and koby ran over to me and jesse ran inside and started to cry, he said "Amy I love you so much and I was a dick for doing what I did but that's in the past and me and you I hope are for the long run and were together for a long time but I need you to be okay with me so we can get back to the way we used to be, I miss sleeping next to you and your warm hugs and your stories about Liverpool and I just miss you princess and I want my girl back!" I looked up at koby and he nodded at me and I ran and gave him a big hug, I said to him "that's all I needed to hear babes but if you ever do anything like that again ill either kill you or you won't see me again okay mate?" he nodded and said I'm sorry.

When I got home from work jesse had a gorgeous table set up and he dressed up all fancy and he walked over and gave me a hug and kissed my forehead, I smiled and I could tell things were going to get better between us, we sat down and jesse had made us pasta, not the most romantic meal but I was nice anyway. after tea we sat on the couch and I had to ask him why he had done it, i couldn't stop thinking about it and it was the only thing on my mind all day and night, he told me that he was talking to his mates and she came over and hugged me from behind and I thought it was you so I turned round and kissed her no looking who it was and she must have thought I wanted to kiss her but I really didn't want to, I tried to make her leave but she wouldn't and she followed me and koby home and she threatened to hurt you if I didn't sleep with her, and I didn't want you to get hurt because I couldn't live with myself so I done it but it was only because she threatened to hurt my princess! my eyes teared up and the tears just began to flow down my cheeks, I leaned over and kissed jesse, I had never felt so bad about something in my life, he only done it to protect me and I acted like a nob towards him! jesse cuddled into me and I hinted towards going 'to bed' but he said no not tonight your too upset, I hated the way he done this but it was sweet aswell.

The next day we both had the day off and jesse woke me up by kissing my neck, I had really missed his morning kisses and I couldn't wait to spend the day with him no matter what we done! I lay in bed while jesse went and got us a drink and when he came in I pulled him onto my knees and he straddled me, we kissed for what seemed like forever and I loved how it felt, it escalated slowly but it was nice, we were both nervous to have sex because it would be the first time since Caitlin but I soon let that thought slip my mind! after a good 30 minutes we finally stopped and we just lay there panting, he rolled over and said 'go and get dressed were going out', I got ready and we got in the car and drove to Maroubra beach, we came here nearly every day so I was curious why we were here out of all places? we got out and jesse took my hand and walked me to all of his mates on the beach, they had a huge BBQ going and there was good music playing! it was a nice little surprise and it was a good day, we stayed till about 11pm but I started to get cold and jesses hugs weren't warming me up so we went home, jesse was quite pissed but I wasn't too drunk, I walked jesse to bed and got some aspirin out ready for his hangover in the morning, they were never pretty and I knew it was best to leave him alone when he had one, I went to bed shortly after because I rang my mum who still didn't know about what happened and it was going to stay that way.

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