Chapter 2: Leaving Liverpool

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It was so hard for Amy to leave Liverpool, it had been the only place she had knew and she had grew up there and really belonged there, she really was a true scouser. She had organised a party so that all her friends and family could say goodbye together and in a special way. She had managed to find a lad named jesse polock who had a spare room that he was letting her rent and she couldn't wait to get out there. Amy and jesse had only ever talked on the phone so they didn't actually know what each other looked like, he was a lifeguard on bondi beach and he enjoyed surfing big waves, Amy had always wanted to learn how to surf but being from Liverpool she never got the opportunity so jesse promised that he would teach her when she arrived.

The day before Amy was due to leave for Australia was her leaving party, she had hired out a big function room and all her family and friends were coming, her and her friends were in a hotel room getting ready for the party when all of a sudden she got a Skype request of Jesse, it definitely wasn't arranged and she was really shocked, she answered it anyway and they began to talk, Amy knew that Jesse was gorgeous but she didn't want to develop feelings for him as she would be living with him and it may make things awkward. After about 15 minutes she explains that it her leaving party and she has to go but she will see him in a day or 2.

At the end of the night her friends had put together a slide show of all their memories and it was very emotional, then her parents and close famous stood up at the front and began to say how much they were going to miss her and that she has to be careful the they hand her an envelope full of money and they say that everyone wanted to get her something so she could enjoy herself there, the envelope was full of around 10000 dollars and she couldn't thank any of them enough.

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