Chapter 17: Awkward

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We all went to the cafe and got something to eat, I had finally managed to calm down and had been to get cleaned up, jesse and koby were freezing because it was winter in England, I was freezing too but not as bad as they were, we found a table by a radiator and they both ran to sit by it, I went and ordered and got some hot drinks, I don't think that they had ever been that cold in their lives! Everything started to feel a bit better now they were here, I felt complete when I was with them, I knew that everything wasn't going to be as good when my family found out they were here and they were staying with me in my mum and dads house! Our food came and it was gone in 5 minutes, I told them that I needed to go back up to be with my family so I said that they could go back to mine if they wanted to but they insisted that they needed to be with me, how cute! I told them that if any of my family say anything horrible to them I would leave and we would go somewhere else, they agreed and jesse put his arm around my waist and held me close to him and koby had his arm around my shoulder as we walked up to the ward, I could see how tired they looked so I decided that if anyone started I would go straight away!

There was a bench outside the room and my uncle was sat on it talking to his girlfriend, he looked up and I could see the anger building up on his face, he made a b-line for us 3 and I told him I didn't want any fighting or arguing, jesse and koby were here for me because I had no one, he walked off and said something under his breath and jesse heard it, I asked him what he said and he said 'babe he just called you a slag' this infuriated me and I wanted to kill him but I let it go for now. I walked into the room to be met by snarls from everyone except from my mum who came and gave me a hug, she gave jesse and hug too and he said 'nice to finally meet you, I wish it could have been under better circumstances' he was so cute, she gave koby a hug and we all sat down on the floor and the nurse came over to us and went ' you all look freezing do you want some blankets?' we agreed and they were so warm that jesse and koby fell asleep on me, I had both their heads on my shoulders and jesse had his arm around my stomach, I took a quick picture and put it on Instagram with the caption 'flew across the world to be with me at this sad time and they've both fell asleep on me, rip to my auntie I will love and miss you so much! I got hundreds of lovely comments and I got some text off jesses mates telling me that I am in their thoughts and to stay strong! They were all so lovely!

I had let jesse and koby sleep for long enough so I woke them and told then I was taking them back to mine, we rang a taxi and we were at my house in no time, it was weird being back here because I was used to mine and jesses apartment in Maroubra, I opened the door and helped them carry their bags up to my room like they did when I first moved in with jesse, the all said that my house was huge and I agreed, I really was too big for us even now with 5 people staying there there was still plenty if room. I left jesse and koby to unpack and I went down to make us a drink, I got a text of my mum telling me that everyone was coming back to ours so make sure that jess and koby are asleep or something because no one was happy they were staying at mine. I went and told them so they went and got into bed and fell asleep, I kissed jesse and lay with him until I heard the door ring, it woke jesse but I told him to just go back asleep.

I went down and opened the door and everyone came in, there was about 40 people sitting in the living room and there was my uncle, I hated him for calling me a slag, how dare he! I helped make drinks for people then the questions started to turn on me, everyone was asking why jess and koby were here, I said 'they wanted to be here with me so don't go saying horrible things about them because they came without even me asking them to, jess is the most amazing boyfriend I could ask for and koby was such a loyal friend! They all laughed so I walked out and went upstairs, what did they all have against them both? I opened the door quietly and jesse sat up, I went and sat on his knee and cried, he calmed me down and asked what was wrong I said 'all my family hate you but I love you so so much! I wish that they can see how perfect you are' he looked at me in the eyes and said 'I guess I'll just have to win them over wont I?' I agreed but I felt bad because his family loved me straight away. I lay in bed next to him and we began to kiss passionately, I started to take of my clothes but jesse stopped me and said 'no not now your too upset and I don't want to take advantage of you' I looked up at him and at that moment when he said that it clicked, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him! I loved him so much and cuddled up to him and we fell asleep together.

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