Chapter 19: The Funeral

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So today was the day, the day we lay my gorgeous auntie to rest, I knew that today wouldn't be easy but having jesse by my side to comfort me made me feel better. I didn't sleep at all through the night and jesse stayed up with me to cuddle me all night, he dozed off for an hour and I just lay there numb, I didn't know what to do with myself she was the best auntie ever and I wasn't coping without her.

Jesse woke up and I was still laying on his chest, he lifted my head up and looked at my face and said 'omg you look terrible' I replied with a sarcastic thanks and he gave me a kiss, I stood up and looked in the mirror, my eyes were bloodshot and I had huge black bags under them I really did look terrible! Jesse came and stood behind me and hugged me, I turned round and kissed him and koby came in and said 'omg is that all you two ever do!?' we giggled and he came and gave me a hug, he told me that I was so strong and I started to cry a little, jesse came over and we had a group hug. I loved the boys so much and I was so greatful that they were coming to the funeral. We went downstairs and got some breakfast, my mum was in the kitchen and she gave us all a hug, my mum loved jess and koby and she was glad they were here but she said 'I'm glad you are here with Amy but some of the family aren't as happy so try and not argue or anything today please' koby replied 'we never would it would be too disrespectful' she smiled and made us some breakfast. After talking for a while we went upstairs to get changed, I wore a black bodycon dress with black wedges and jesse wore a black shirt and dark jeans, he looked so sexy! Koby came in and we all sat on my bed watching telly for a bit.

Then the time finally came, the cars were outside and we went out, me jesse and koby drove in my car to avoid any arguments,when we got to the church we were the last ones in so everyone glared at us, we sat at the front and the service began. It was a beautiful service and everyone was crying, even koby shed a little tear! we all walked out and jesse had his arm wrapped tightly around my waist, everyone we walked past stared but I didn't care anymore, jesse was my family now and that was all that mattered!

After the funeral we all went to the wake, there wasn't much talking and us 3 were the only ones who really spoke everyone was just drowning their sorrows in alcohol! After an hour me jesse and koby were leaving but my uncle and 2 cousins came staggering over to us and blocked the door, they were clearly very drunk and were looking for a fight! I just wanted to get home and relax but they wanted to fight jesse and koby, they kept shouting 'you bra boys think ye all mad but you wouldn't touch us your all shit bags and wouldn't lay a finger on any of us scousers!' Jesse and koby looked at me and I said 'they asked for it so give it to them' Jesse tried to say no but koby was ready for a fight so he screamed get outside and we will have it there! They walked out and I followed, my uncle and cousins got the first hit but jess and koby lay into them so hard, they battered them all and during this my cousin had hit me in the face and I knew that I would get a black eye off it, people broke them up and they got a taxi home, jesse came running over to me and looked worried, I had went very white and I felt dizzy, koby drove us home and I tried to get out of the car but jesse insisted that he would carry me in. He picked me up bridal style and took me upstairs, he lay me on the bed and cuddled into me, he was so adorable when he wanted to be! Koby came in with a drink and said 'I've ordered a pizza an it will be here soon' I thanked him and he left us alone for a while, I thanked jesse for being so amazing to me the past weeks and I kissed him. I was so grateful for everything he had done for me and we had only been together for just over 5 months but I knew that I wanted to be with him forever!

When my mum and dad came home they shouted us down and I thought that we were going to get an earful but we didn't instead my dad shook both of their hands which then turned into a hug and said 'I don't know how you two have held off doing that for this long I have been wanting to kill them for the way they have been treating you 3!' jesse and koby laughed and they talked for a while, me and my mum went into another room and she said 'you really love jesse don't you? you're different around him but its a good different, he brings out the best side of you! it's like he's always watching you but in a good way, you move he moves its so cute!' I blushed and said 'I know I think that he is the one!' my mum smiled and gave me a hug and jesse walked in and put his hands on my shoulders and kissed my hair, I looked up and smiled, my mum got up and gave him a hug an said 'thankyou for everything you have done for Amy she really loves you!' he smiled and replied 'and I really love her too, even koby said that I had changed since I met Amy and everyone comments on how happy I am when I am with her!' I smiled and gave him a tight hug, if only all my family could be as accepting as mum and dad!

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