Chapter 18: Sight Seeing

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Me and jesse woke up quite early the next day so we decided that I would take him sight seeing, we went into kobys room and woke him up, he didn't seem to be to impressed but oh well, we went downstairs and ate some breakfast. It felt strange being back in my house in Liverpool and jesse and koby being there but I liked it, some of my family had stayed the night so we tried to leave before they got up. I felt bad that jesse and koby were hated in my family because they had accepted me into theirs so easily, I asked where they wanted to go and they said everywhere! I decided to take them into town and as it was christmas in a few weeks we would be able to go to the Christmas markets.

We arrived in town at 11am and I took them straight to the Albert dock for some breakfast, we sat in a lovely little cafe looking out on the river Mersey, then we walked up to Liverpool one where we done some shopping and then we carried on to some of the touristy places. While we were walking down the road I saw one of my old friends Ross, he was like a brother to me and I loved him, we both ran up to each other and hugged, jesse and koby sprinted towards us and jesse grabbed Ross, I had never really seen him this angry before, I had managed to calm him down and explained that he was one of my good friends, to he honest I think he was a bit jealous but I liked that he cared like that! I introduced them and we started talking, Ross was really excited to see me and I was to, he really liked the boys and they liked him we told him that if he ever wanted to come to Australia he could stay with us, he couldn't talk for long as he had uni so we said goodbye and we walked to the radio city tower. They seemed a bit confused as to why they were there but I told them that we were going up it, they still looked confused so I dragged them inside, I made them walk up and when we got to the top the view was breathtaking! You could see the whole of Liverpool and into Wales!!

When we got down I got a phone call from one of my old friends Erin telling me that she heard I was home and wanted to meet up, she said she was in town so me jess and koby walked to costa, then there she was my best friend with a pram!! Whatt! I was so shocked I couldn't believe that she had a new baby! I was so happy for her, she had had a hard life so this was amazing! She let me hold the tiny little baby whose name was Mollie! I fell in love instantly and I got her to take a picture of me jesse and the baby and put it on Instagram with the caption 'welcome to the world baby mollie I love you already and tagged Erin Jesse and Koby, them comments started flooding in asking 'omg Amy did you have a baby?' even some of the lifeguards were asking it was so funny! about 30 minutes later I posted another picture of just me and Erin saying 'oh I forgot to mention that mollie belongs to my gorgeous best friend Erin' we all thought it was hysterical and we talked all afternoon, I knew that I wasn't going to see Erin as much now because she had little mollie to look after which made me upset, we had done everything together! It had got to 6pm and we had to go I said an emotional goodbye to Erin and mollie and we went home.

I had an amazing day and to be honest I didn't want to go home, I knew that all my family would be there and would moan when I walked in with jesse and koby! I was so sick and tired of it!

We got home and like I thought everyone was in ours, we walked into the living room and the glares hit us like a ton of bricks, even I felt uncomfortable, jesse and koby were really starting to get pissed so I told them that they can say what they want to my family now because even I was pretty pissed with them!

Jesse and koby went and stood in front of them all and they said 'I know you all hate us but you have only ever read things on the Internet so hear us out, my name is jesse polock and this is koby abberton, we are just 2 normal lads from Maroubra in Sydney, and I happen to be in love with your daughter, niece, cousin so get used to it, yeah we are bra boys but we aren't bad lads yeah we've done stuff which we regret but who hasn't? I think that you need to give us a chance and then make all your shitty little judgements!' I walked over grabbed their hands and walked them upstairs, I gave them both a big hug and told them that they were amazing and I loved them so much! I led jesse upstairs teasing him and koby went into his room to talk to olya his girlfriend, me and jesse ran into my room kissing and I think you know what happened next. I lay on the bed panting, it was the most amazing thing ever! Jesse rolled over and started to kiss my neck I rolled on top of him and we had sex again! Koby walked in and then ran back out screaming 'my eyes my eyes omg it's like a live porn video' I put on jesses top and a pain of joggers and chased after him, jesse was trailing behind me, we ran into the street and I chased him down the road, I finally caught up to him and jumped on his bag and he went 'I can smell jesse all over you eeee!' I said to him 'well what do you want me to smell of' an he said 'not jesses penis please' I said okay and he gave me a piggy back back to the house, we ran upstairs and I went to jesse 'come and have a shower with me' and i winked at koby, jesse ran into the bathroom and jumped into the shower with me, when we got out koby was in his room so I got dressed into jesses top and joggers and his 'JP' hat and ran in and cuddled into me, he took a picture with me cuddled into him and put it on Instagram with the caption 'cuddles with amy but she stinks of jesse;)' and tagged us both in it, it was too funny, I had had the most amazing day ever and it was all thanks to my gorgeous boyfriend and his best mate! I loved jesse more than words could ever say!

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