Chapter 32: What to do..

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I hadn't slept much that night so I got up and went for a jog before jesse woke up, I ran up past Maroubra beach and down past kobys shop which was open? I stopped running and went to run over and see why he had opened up so early but I didn't make it, instead I ran over to a bin and threw up in it, I never got sick so this alarmed me! I sat down for a few minutes and I felt okay so I continued to walk over to the shop, the doors were open but the shop wasn't 'open for business' if you know what I mean, I slowly walked in and koby was sat there behind the counter as if it wasn't 5am! I smiled and said 'what are you doing in here have you been home or have you opened up early?' he said "I couldn't sleep so I opened up early" I smiled and said same and walked over and sat next to him, he said "I saw you be sick over there are you okay?" I shrugged and said "I honestly don't know, I haven't been feeling right for the past 2 weeks but I just thought it was nothing" he looked at me and said "your not" and looked down at my belly and then back up to me again, it hit me, I grabbed my phone and checked my Calendar, koby was right I was late, 2 months late and I didn't even realise! I didn't want koby to know so I just said oh god no!

I asked koby to walk to the shops with me so I could get a drink, we walked into a shop and as we were walking to the drinks isle we walked past the isle full of pregnancy tests and baby stuff, I grabbed one and koby gave me a look, he said "thought you weren't" I looked up with a worried face and said "I'm just going to check don't panic" we payed and walked back to kobys shop, we sat back down and I just stared at it, koby said sarcastically "well can it tell if your prego by just looking at it?" I smirked at him an said I'm scared! what if I am! Does Jess even want kids? koby told me not to worry and to just take it and then we can go from there.

I walked out of the bathroom an he said well am I going to be an uncle or what? I said it will take 5 minutes and then we will know!

1...2...3...4...5 koby started to count but I had to shut him up, I suddenly wasn't in the mood for being silly! This was serious and I couldn't wait to find out. After 5 minutes we turned it over so we could both see it! it said 'pregnant 3+ weeks' I started to cry and koby tried to stop me but It wasn't helping I kept saying 'jesse is going to leave me he won't want kids with me ah I hate this' I finally calmed down and koby said "jesse always talked about starting a family with you so he is going to be over the moon when you tell him but you need to tell him soon!" I smiled at him and said "ill tell him on his birthday! it will be a massive surprise for him aw! I said I'll see you later to koby and he put his hand on my stomach and said by little baby, by Amy I can't wait to be a uncle! just smile jesse is going to be so happy when he finds out! I smiled and walked out of the shop, when I got outside jesse was there, he must have noticed I was gone and came looking for me, he said "why are you so happy?" I just smiled at him and hugged him really tightly and said "I love you so much jesse polock!" he looked down to me and said "aw I love you too baby, how come your in such a good mood?" I said "oh nothing I just wanted you to know how much I loved you!"

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