Chapter 33: What did you just say?

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It was finally here! It was time for jesses birthday party and after he day we had already had it couldn't get any better, we were going to tell everyone at the party but we decided to wait until I was 3 months just incase.

It was 5pm and I got into the shower and started to wash my hair until I was interrupted by jesse jumping in and nearly giving me a heart attack, I thought he only came in to have sex in the shower but this time he didn't he just stood behind me holding onto my stomach and rubbing his hand up and down my belly, it was so cute how excited he was for this new chapter in out lives! He finally let me finish washing my hair and I got out and wrapped myself in my robe and dried my hair, jesse was still unaware that there was even a party, he just thought we were going out for dinner, I put my hair into curls and I put on some makeup, I walked into the living room and told jesse that 'the table' was for 7, he grunted and went and put on a shirt, he looked so gorgeous! When he walked out I walked over and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, the taxi beeped so we walked outside and got in, I told him where to go and we sat back and waited, I was so excited! I couldn't wait to see jesses face when he sees everyone!

I text koby telling him we were 2 minutes away and he said 'okay everyone is gonna hide' I said okay and we pulled up outside, I took jesses hand and we walked inside.

I could hear people laughing and jesse said to me "why is it so dark and quiet in here?" and that moment everyone jumped up and screamed 'happy birthday jesse!' his face was priceless, he wasn't expecting anything like this, everyone was here, his friends his family and his workmates, they were all here to celebrate my boyfriends birthday! he looked at me and his sea blue eyes caught mine, he smiled and then pulled me in for a kiss, koby walked over and interrupted us, he gave jesse a hug and said 'happy birthday bra bet you weren't expecting to see all of us here did you?' he shook his head and smiled. A group of men walked over to jess so I went to find olya, I was going to tell her and Nicola considering they are my closest friends here in Australia, I got them both and took them outside onto the patio overlooking the ocean, I said "girls I've got some news" and the smiled eagerly and said "what!" I said "I'm pregnant!" Olya let out a little scream and they both hugged me congratulating me, i told them not to tell anyone and they agreed, they both had a good feel of my belly and said "well you won't be drinking tonight then missus!" I laughed and we went back inside, jesse was still talking to that group of lads so I went over to see who they were, apparently one of them was from Liverpool like me and I got told to go and speak to him because he wanted to meet me, jesse pointed him out to me and I went over and said 'hi are you Josh?' he nodded and said ah you must be Amy from Liverpool, I can't believe that out of all places I meet someone from home here! I smiled and he asked me about where I lived and about my family, it felt so good talking to a fellow scouser, it made me feel at ease and more at home. He asked me about my parents and he told me about his, his mum and dad had split up when he was a baby and his dad raised him, his mum was never in the picture and he doesn't know who she is, I said "aw that's sad I hope you find her one day" he said so Do i! he showed me the only picture he had of his mum because he kept it in his pocket all the time just in case, the picture looked a lot like my mum but she had been with my dad long before Josh was even born. I told him and he said 'I know this is far fetched but you don't think your mum could of been mine do you?' I shook my head but he seemed so sure she was both our mums. I walked back over to jesse and he put his arm around my waist and pulled me in tight, we danced the rest of the night but what josh had said stuck in the back of my mind and I couldn't forget it.

It was 2am and we all got kicked out of the club, I tried to walk a drunk koby and jesse home and olya was no help because she was too tipsy, I gave up and called a taxi to take us back to our apartment.

When we got back home I took them all to bed, koby and olya passed out and I walked jesse to our bedroom, he sat in bed shouting 'Amy I love you so much baby' constantly and it was starting to piss me off a little, it was probably because I was stone cold sober, I told jesse to go to sleep and he said yes mam, I pulled the quilt over him and he leaned up on his elbows and kissed my stomach and said night night little baba I love you and your mummy, and then he passed out!

I walked into the kitchen and got a drink, I opened my bag to find a little piece if paper fall out it said 'Amy I know that it's probably not but please can we do a DNA test, your mum looks too much like my mum please!' and in the bottom was his phone number, I text him and said "fine but only to see if it is your mum okay" and I went to sleep.

I woke up first the next morning and started to make everyone breakfast, jesse came walking in and kissed me and koby and olya followed shortly after, I checked my phone and josh had text me back asking to meet today at 2pm so we could do the test, I text back saying okay and I started to eat breakfast, i told jesse about what josh had said and he told me he will be here for me whatever the result was. It was about 1pm so I got ready and drove to his place, he opened the door and offered me a cuppa tea, it was so nice to be offered tea, no one in Australia made it like they do I Liverpool so I couldn't wait to have it, once we had finished josh got out a DNA kit and we done all the necessary things and put them in bags and on my way home I put them in the post box, there was a 5 day wait and they would write to us both when the results came back. I was scared, what if they came back positive and he was my brother, he had been gone out of my life for so many years would it be normal just to accept him into my life? when I got home I just sat staring at a wall, jesse came over and comforted me, I told him how scared I was and he promised to be there when I opened the letter.

Each day that passed the more stress I was put under, I wasn't eating properly and I was worried for the health of my baby more than anything, I went to the doctor and he reassured me that everything was okay and I was relieved, jesse and I were so excited about this baby I couldn't cope if anything happened!

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