Chapter 27: Who was that!?

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Jesse had insisted on taking me out for dinner the day after we babysat strummer, I didn't really want to go out but he said I didn't get a say in it we were going out and that was final! I said yes sir and went and washed my hair, a few minutes later I was joined by jesse, he cupped my face and kissed me under the water, the moment got ruined because the shampoo got in my eye and it burned! I broke away from the kiss and jumped out the shower, jesse seemed confused and I said 'I got shampoo in my eye!' he laughed and I said oh so you think it's funny do you? he bit his lip to stop himself from laughing and shook his head I said good and he laughed, I kicked him out the shower and finished washing my hair, I got out and dried it. I put on my new dress and put on my heels and walked into the living room, jesses jaw dropped and I blushed, he said 'did you get a boob job in the shower or something babe cos they are huge tonight' and he winked at me I looked down at them and they did look bigger, jesse came over and cupped his hands round them and said 'yep they're deffo bigger' I said 'are you moaning or something?' and he shook his head and I grabbed his face and kissed him, jesse grabbed my bum and picked me up and carried me to the bedroom, he started to undress me and I undressed him, we had sex and then we got dressed again and got in the car and drove to the restaurant.

When we got there we were led to our table and we sat down and ordered our food, I ordered a chicken burger and chips and jesse got ribs, he said to me 'no wonder your boobs are getting bigger all the shit you eat' I said 'are you moaning mate cos people pay thousands to get them this big, mine are natural and you still complain would you rather me be fat?' he said no not at all and I laughed at the worry on his face!

A few tables over there was a blonde girl staring at jess, I thought nothing of it, jesse got up to go to the toilet and she followed him, I wondered who she was and I looked over and they were talking, I thought that she might of just been a fan or something but jesse spoke to her for a long time, she grabbed his arm and I was about to get up and go and talk to her, but he brushed her off, she came back out and stared at me as she sat down. Jesse came out and I said who was she? he said oh some girl I used to be with when I was like 16/17. I was still cautious of her and I didn't like the way she kept staring at him all night!

When we left jesse asked what was wrong and I said oh nothing and he said I know you better than anyone now what's wrong? I said 'well that girl didn't stop staring at you all night' he told me it was nothing so I said if a lad was staring at me all night would you be bothered? he said well if you put it like that then yeah I would be, I'm sorry babe but your the only girl I want and that's never going to change, I love you more than anyone in the world and no silly little girl is going to get in the way of that!

When we got home jesse hinted on finishing what we had started before but I wasn't I'm the mood tbh, seeing jesse talking to his ex made me beyond jealous, I was scared that he would leave me for her if she started speaking to him again! I got a drink of water and just curled up in bed, a tear trickled down my face and jesse came running in and said 'baby what's the matter?' I said nothing it doesn't matter and he replied well it does matter if its making you cry just tell me! I looked into his eyes and said 'seeing you with your ex made me beyond jealous, I love you and I don't want you to leave me ever!' He looked at me and said 'I'm never going to leave you babes she has got nothing on you, your perfect and I'm never going to leave you ever!' I sighed in relief and I fell asleep while jesse cuddled me.

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