Chapter 29: Spa Time

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We drove for about half an hours until we reached a huge mansion, it was gorgeous and I couldn't wait to get inside!

When we got inside everyone looked bored and when we got our room they upgraded us to the biggest suite they had and we were so happy! the night seemed to be getting a lot better, we got into the room and it was massive, there was a separate living room and kitchen and two bedrooms with huge bathrooms, I was amazed at how big that it was and we both had huge smiles on our faces and we ran into the bathroom and jumped into the jacuzzi and relaxed.

Koby rang Olya and she didn't answer it and he text her saying 'where are you an Amy me and jesse are going back to his see you soon babe love you!' she text him back and said okay bye and tuned of her phone an we turned up the music and ordered some champagne to the room and it got brought up and we got dry and put some joggers on and popped it open, it was nearly 12pm and we decided to go to the lobby and wish everyone a happy new year, we ran down the corridors like 12 year olds and we went to the lobby and started a countdown 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1!!!!! Happy New Yearrr we screamed everywhere and hugged each other then went and and hugged some of the staff they were all happy and cheery even though they were working through the night!

After about half an hour we went back up to the room and we had a few more drinks and then we both fell asleep at about 1:30am.

The beds were unbelievably comfy and I could stay there forever! I was so cozy, I looked at the clock and it was 10am so I woke Olya up and we went and got some breakfast, there was an array of food from croissants to toast and Nutella I ate so much food and I wished I could eat more but there was no room left in me to eat! we put on our bikinis and hoodies and went down for a massage.

We were taken into a room and we lay down and they began to massage us and we both fell asleep again I woke up shortly after and olya was snoring lightly and me and the massage woman began to laugh and she woke up and she knew she had been snoring and we all laughed, I had forgotten about what had happened with jesse the night before but then I remembered and I was angry again and I was confused as to why he would do this to me?

We went for some dinner and then I realised I had left my phone somewhere and I started to panic as I wanted to ring my family as it was new year back home! I ran back to the room and looked frantically for it but I must have left it in the apartment, I went back to olya and she said she would drive me home to get it and she would go in and get it so jesse didn't see me, we went back up to the room and grabbed the car keys and drove home. When we got there olya was about to go inside and get my phone and a charger but I insisted on going in mainly to see if jesse was there with her and I knew where it would be so I would be quicker, she said okay and I ran in.

When I got to the front door my hands were shaking with nerves and I struggled to get the key in the door, when I eventually did I opened it quietly and koby was woken up by it creaking, I said to him 'Happy new year' and gave him a hug and said olya is in the car downstairs and were staying in the spa for 2 more days we've got a hug suite so come and stay with us' he smiled and ran out to her! I walked over to the bedroom and I was terrified but I had faith in jesse that he wouldn't be so stupid to bring her home especially after everything we had been through, I was wrong. They were both lying there naked and I found my phone and got a sharpie pen and wrote 'RAT' on his head and took a picture and sent it to him and said 'you absolute rat I can't believe you would do this to me!' I ran out and said to olya 'just drive I don't want to talk about it" tears streamed down my face and when we got back to the spa I went up to the room and locked myself in the bathroom for hours and when I finally came out koby and olya sat with me and made me feel a lot better!

The next day we just had a lazy day and went for a massage and swim and sauna and then we put the jacuzzi on in my bathroom and ordered a pizza, they both done everything they could to make me forget about jesse and I started to until I got a text from him saying 'I know I'm a rat for being with Caitlin but I was so drunk and so was she can you please forgive me babe where are you? I need to speak to you ASAP!' I text back saying 'your a rat and I don't associate myself with them, back home you would have been battered by now but I'm not going to do that to you, ill contact you when I want to talk, just give me some space until I am done at the spa and then we can talk okay?' he said okay and I turned off my phone

It was still in the back if my mind that she was still there with him in my bed and all over him and I tried to forgive him but there was still that trust issue of would he do it again if I ever went out of town or anything and I was beyond confused!

The next day was our last day but we didn't have to check out till 5pm so we made the most of our day, I was having a pretty good day until jesse turned up.. I wondered how he had found me then I remembered that I told him I was at a spa and he must of been to them all to find us all! I was pissed but in a way i was happy he cared to find me, he pleaded with me to go and talk to him and let him explain, I agreed and we went and sat in the living room. He tried to give me a hug but I just sat down and he sat facing me, I said 'was she really worth this just tell me that' he shook his head and said no she wasn't she has got nothing on you babe and I was a dick for treating you like this' I agreed with him and we laughed but I hadn't forgiven him that easily, I wanted too but I just couldn't! I said just give me a few days to clear my head and ill think about it okay? he said okay and he stayed and went the pool with us, he really tried to make it up to me but I still wasn't 100% sure weather to forgive and forget just yet, there was just something that made me not forgive him and I couldn't figure out why.

I decided by the end of the day that I would give him another chance but if he even messed up once I was gone, he promised and we hugged and made up, there was still doubt in my mind but I had to forget about that and just focus on future.

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