Chapter 15: My Past

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So I'm going to do this chapter about Amy's past and her life before Australia.

I never really talked about my past, whenever it came up in conversation I just tried to get out of talking about it but one day I knew I would have to tell jesse about it. I was sitting on the couch with jesse scrolling through my Facebook when something caught my eye, I normally scrolled quite fast but this made me stop, a friend of mine had been killed by a gang we all used to fight with before I changed my life around, they put the caption 'Amy where are you', this absolutely terrified me, what did they want, did they want to kill me? I looked up at jesse and he had been staring at me for ages, he asked what is wrong an i knew it was time to finally tell him.

I said well do you know when I was back home and I said I used to get into trouble and that? he said yes why? so I told him what had happened and I said I think they are after me next! after I said this jesse told me I needed to tell him everything that I had done to make them hate me. I started off by telling him about the gang I used to go round with, we were only about 11/12 but we thought that we were real gangsters going round breaking into places and stealing, then it progressed when we were 15/16 into selling drugs and we started to argue and fight with everyone who looked at us, many a time I had been in the back of police vans and in court but this one day we had a big job, another gang we had been fighting with shot someone in our gang dead in front of us all and well let's just say it didn't go down well with the older lads in the group, we were all like a big family and when this happened it was like a war had started, we weren't going to stand and take this so we wanted revenge and well their leader had to die. Everything was planned perfectly and we had managed to get guns and stuff, we got to there place and opened fire on them all, a lot got hit but the leader wasn't there so we went out looking for him, I in the mean time had tried to stay out of it but he grabbed me from behind so I had to protect myself, I shot him in the leg and ran away. All of the lads were pleased but I was terrified! I didn't know weather they were going to come after me or not so after that happened I decided it wasn't the life I wanted to live anymore, I wanted to protect my mum and dad and I was scared that they would get caught up in all of this so I told the group I was going to start getting my head down and then that was when it got serious about me moving to Australia. They were all really understanding and they said that they were really proud of me wanting to change my life, they supported me through it all and we were still amazing friends and spoke all of the time, they were like my older brothers and sisters and I loved them even though I didn't see them as often as I used to.

The other gang had always said they would kill me if they ever caught me but that was nearly 3 years ago and I thought they had forgotten! My parents never found out what I had done so I had to be careful around them as well.

Jesses jaw was dropped and he said 'wow should I be scared of you know? You are worse than I ever was hahaha' I laughed but I felt so sorry for him at the same time, he had a past as well but it was no were near as bad as mine, I told him that it was probably just a rumour and it was nothing to worry about, I asked him did he still like me now he knows about my past and he said it made me like you even more! I was so relived when he said this and we cuddled up of the couch and he told me not to worry and if it ever came to anything him, koby and the bra boys would be here for me, I felt so protected by them all and they were like the type of family I had with my gang back home, I knew they wouldn't be able to protect me as half of them were dead because of jobs going wrong and drug overdoses, I missed them all like mad but I had my new family over here now who could protect me if I needed it.

Jesse told me that he is proud of me for talking about my past because he knew that I always tried to change the subject when it came to people asking me about it, he was so understanding and he knew where I was coming from because of his past as well. I really had fell for jesse, more than I ever imagined I could in the time I had knew him, for the rest of the night we just watched tv and talked.

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