(189) The Astronomy Tower

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Three days later, Florence received an owl from Sloan, telling her to be at the Manor before daybreak on Tuesday. She had not told the twins about the upcoming operation, in fear that they would volunteer themselves to the Order as well. It was kept a secret for the most part, but was given away at the expression Florence had on her face once she opened the letter from Sloan. Fred knew her too well to let it go, despite Florence saying multiple times that it was nothing. After a few back and forth, she caved in and told the two what the Order was planning. Almost instantly, Fred volunteered to go with her, and wouldn't take no for an answer.

So there they were, early Tuesday morning, in the living room of the Manor packing a small bag of essentials that they were going to bring to Hogwarts. Nicolai was there, too, handing out gauze and other first aid items they might need should they acquire a wound that they didn't know how to fix with magic. She was not coming with them in to the Castle, but decided to stay at Hogsmeade just in case she was needed.

Florence was looking over her bags one last time when Fred came to her, looking apologetic, "You know I had to come with you, right? I couldn't possibly live with myself knowing you're out there without me when I have the option to go with you."

"You don't have to go, Fred," Florence said, slightly irritated that he was just as stubborn as she was, "I can handle myself. I've had training, you haven't. Now I have to worry about you when things go wrong too?"

Fred frowned at this, "I can handle myself fine, Florence. I'm not gonna need you to look out for me. I just want to be where you are... I know that sounds reckless but—"

"It is!" she exclaimed, her voice raised slightly which made people turn their attention to them, "It's bloody reckless! I want to be where you are too but not where you could be in danger!"

"Well, that's what I feel about your Auror business too. I hate when you're in danger, and you're in danger almost all the time. You don't see me stopping you, do you?" he shot back, Florence getting up from her seat on the couch, "That's not the same, though, is it? I'm trained for it! If you tell me you've been taking defense classes on the side when you're not running your business, then by all means go ahead! You can be in danger with me. But you haven't been, and you're not equipped for this."

"Harry taught me things at Hogwarts."

"That's doesn't suffice, Fred! Merlin I—"

"That's enough," Julien cut in, silencing the two, "Please, Florence, Fred is coming. I know you don't like that, but Dumbledore's approved of it, so has Arthur and Molly. We're just going to be patrolling the Castle grounds, making sure nothing is off. There won't be any immediate danger, okay?"

Florence grunted, zipping up her bag rather aggressively, "Fine." she said curtly, "Call me when we have to leave," Florence murmured, before heading to her room on the second floor.

Fred huffed. He and Florence rarely fought, and when they did, he always felt terrible about it. "She's not mad at you, you know that, right?" Julien said to him, watching the door to her bedroom close, "She's just worried. She's already lost so much, it would break her if she lost you."

"I know..." he mumbled, before plopping down on the couch himself.

The sun was just beginning to peak out of the horizon when Sloan instructed everyone to head to the backyard to practice a little bit of defensive spells, should they need it. They were instructed to partner up, Florence sparing Fred a single glance before heading to Julien, who scratched the crook of his neck, "Florence," he started, the brunette looking up at him as they went and found a corner where they could practice at.

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