(3) Back Desk Day

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"What kind of Dark Magic is this?" groaned Alexander as he piled up the homework he was given on the first half of his Thursday. Florence watched as the pile grew higher and higher, Nicolai simply avoiding the mention of homework.

"Come on, Xander. I came here to eat and have a good time, and you bring up homework? I honestly feel so attacked right now." she said melodramatically, plopping a third helping of mashed potatoes onto her plate.

"Adrianna was right... A nightmare of a year, the fifth." he muttered, Florence perking up by the mention of Alexander's older sister. "Oh, how is she with the Holyhead Harpies?" she asked enthusiastically, propping her elbow onto the table.

"You know, the usual... Quidditch stuff... She's going to be in Russia for a couple of weeks... Anyway I cannot wait for Asher to start his first year. By his fifth I'd be laughing, just like how Dri does with me right now."

"Well speaking of Quidditch," Nicolai said as she miraculously tore away from her plate which was now full of what had seemed to be her fourth helping of mash potatoes,  "Quidditch Captain is headed here. Heads up, Flo."

Roger Davies came up to the bunch, greeting Florence courteously. "Good morning to you too, Roger. To what do I owe this visit?"

Roger rolled his eyes, "Since when have you been formal towards me?" Florence shrugged at this.

"Well anyway, we're going to have our first Quidditch practice this Saturday. Our first game is in about two months from now."

"Well what about Cho? Is she good enough to start practicing?" She asked concernedly, well aware of the injury the fourth year girl had gotten the previous year. She had fallen about twenty feet from the sky, due to her loose grip, and had to spend the better half of her final month of school in the hospital wing.

"Oh yes, Chang's grand. Says she never felt better in her whole life. So, are you up for practice at about... three in the afternoon this Saturday? I was going to book it earlier but Wood's gotten ahead of me when it came to that. Word on the streets says they'll be playing Hufflepuff for the first game. You know... I heard Flint complaining to Madame Hooch about Malfoy's injury."

"Oh yes, I remember." Nicolai mused, "He screamed like a little baby, that git. I bet he's only faking it." The four glanced at Malfoy who sat indignantly at the Slytherin table.

"That kid tends to exaggerate, don't you think? Getting his arm mutilated by a tame Hippogriff. Is that even possible?"

"Well, unless he disregarded the proper procedures in approaching a hippogriff. They're really proud creatures, as I've learned." said Florence.

"Poor Hagrid mucked up his teaching debut with a bloody mixed breed."

"He's doing it all wrong."

"Well," said Roger, pursing his lips, "What's done is done. Anyway, I have to catch up and tell Chang and Inglebee about the practices this Saturday. You know how cranky they get when practices aren't announced beforehand." he said, excusing himself from the conversation before walking out of the Great Hall in search for their seeker and beater.

"I don't know about you two but I am ready to get this day over and done with." said Alexander, shoving all the school books back into his bag hastily, before strapping it on his shoulder. "Come on, we have Transfiguration to get to. After that will be one more period then classes are over."

"Oh don't remind me," groaned Florence, smothering her face with her hands in frustration, "I still have detention with the Weasleys this afternoon. Definitely not something I'd be looking forward to."

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