(71) It's Not Easy

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The next morning was supposed to be the start of a day's worth of happiness and holiday cheer, the three of them planned on eating breakfast together and to play in the snow afterwards. But these said plans grew dimmer and dimmer within every passing minute that Florence and Nicolai spent infront of Xander's dormitory.

They had knocked continuously for the past ten minutes, the door had opened up exactly three times. Roger was the first one to slip out, flashing the two an apologetic look, explaining how Alexander really did not feel like seeing them. The
same response was given by Grant, who opened the door for them afterwards, before slipping out to head down to breakfast.

Finally, after a couple more knocks, Jeremy had came out, a blank look on his face.

"Jer, please," Florence pleaded with him, "We just want to be there for him."

"He's fine on his own for the moment," the Chaser explained, ruffling his hair, "Look, I don't want to cram into this issue but you two really need to give him some time alone. He'll tell you about it, but atleast give him time to think about it by himself."

"Did he tell you anything?"

Jeremy shook his head, "He hasn't said anything since last night. Might be that bad. But just take my word for it, he needs time." he said, patting Nicolai's shoulder, before heading down to the main commons.

"Come on, Nic," Florence sighed helplessly, "Xander will come out when he's ready. Meanwhile, you and I, shall head down and eat a lovely birthday breakfast, yeah?"

"It's not a birthday breakfast without him," she grumbled. Nicolai did not know whether Jillian and Xander's fallout was something that she should be happy about. As much as she resented that sort of mentality, there was still a tiny voice in her that was throwing a victory party.

The great hall held merely half of the student population, scattered across each table, some huddled in to groups, while others sat alone. Nicolai's eyes immediately searched through the hufflepuff table, hoping to get to talk to her, but, alas, Jillian was nowhere in sight.

"Look, Nic. It's Julien and Alanna," Florence pointed to where the two Beauxbatons students sat merrily at the ravenclaw table. The two of them wore christmas printed jumpers, little lights flicking on and off from the little printed bulbs. Julien smiled at the sight of the two approaching.

"Good morning, Julien, Alanna." Florence greeted as she took a seat across from the boy, noticing the gifts that sat on the table, "Aren't you two supposed to be at your Christmas breakfast with Madame Maxime?"

"We were supposed to be there," nodded Julien, "But we decided we wanted a little change of experience."

"We've been to a Beauxbatons Christmas breakfast two years ago. Didn't like it," Alanna scrunched up her nose, "The food tasted like merde. Not a good experience. And besides, we've grown to like Hogwarts food."

"I'm glad to hear that." Florence smiled at the two, before plopping bell shaped cookies onto her plate. Julien moved to grab one of the presents that sat beside his plate, "I was told that it is Nicolai's birthday today, yeah?" he handed her the small parcel, "Consider this as a birthday present and a Christmas present from Alanna and I."

Nicolai stared. "Wow, uh, thank you, you two. You know you didn't really have to..."

"It's our pleasure to do so," Alanna reassured her, "You are our friends, and have been very kind to us during this stay."

"This one is for you, Florence," Julien handed her a neatly wrapped parcel as well, "And I do have one for Alexander. When is he coming down to join us?"

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