(5) The Reply

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Classes had gotten all of them busy, trying to live through every day just for the Hogsmeade visit, which felt like it was still centuries away. Quidditch meetings and having to avoid the Weasley twins was added in to the equation. To sum it up, Florence was quite busy. And it was still the second week of school. She had a long year to go.

Nicolai's tendency to groan at the mention of homework had seemed to rub off on both Florence and Alexander. Instead of the bright enthusiasm they usually had on their faces, they were gloomy, slumped on the common room sofa as they scribbled incoherent words onto rolls and rolls of parchment.

"Just a little more until Hogsmeade visit, Nic." said Florence, patting Nicolai—who was a puddle of stress from where she was sprawled out on her bed, refusing to attend to Tuesday classes. With a little persuasion, she was finally able to get her dressed, the two going down to meet Alexander at the Great Hall.

It was an amusing sight that they walked in to, Jillian Devereux chatting animatedly with Alexander, who was sheet white and stone cold.  The two took the liberty to walk slowly, impish grins on their faces as they walked up to the pair.

"So I suggested to professor Flitwick and professor Sprout that we should patrol the courtyards on Fridays, you know, one from Hufflepuff and from Ravenclaw. It simply isn't fair that Gryffindors get most of the patrolling schedules—" "Dear Merlin." Alexander murmured as he saw his friends approaching them, making Jillian frown. "What's wrong?"

"Hello Jill." greeted Florence, sneaking sly looks at Alexander who looked like he was about to faint.

"Your hair looks beautiful in that do, Jill." Nicolai complimented the french braid she was sporting.

"Hey Florence, thank you Nicolai." Nicolai gave the blonde a small smile. "I was just talking to Alexander about our prefect patrolling schedules. We're patrolling buddies." she grinned up at the blonde boy fondly. "Anyways, I better go, my friends are waiting for me. See you guys." with that she sauntered back to the Hufflepuff table, color rising back to Alexander's cheeks like a heatwave.

"Patrolling with Jillian, eh?" Nicolai nudged teasingly as the blonde flushed a deeper shade of red.

"Cut it out." he said solemnly, taking the bench opposite to them.

"First base," Florence whispered, before the two giggled madly. Alexander chucked a grape at them.

"Come on, we have to eat. Divination awaits."

Divination felt as if it was a free subject, Trelawny discussing in her prophetic voice as the others focused on other things. Some were bewitching origami papers to fly around the room, occasionally hitting the older woman, some papers getting stuck in her tangled hair. Nicolai was sleeping, deciding that there was nothing better than to sleep during their free time. Alexander and Florence opted on finishing their potions essay.

Second period came, the three being late again due to the fact that it took them almost forever to wake Nicolai from her desk nap. McGonagall was surprised at the their tardiness, hastily letting them in. Florence groaned at the thought of sitting at the back again. She glared at the harmless desk as she sat down, desperately trying her best to listen in to the discussion.

She gave up in a span of five minutes, taking out a jotter and copying everything McGonagall had writted down on the board, Nicolai sleeping in again. Alexander was fortunate enough to have moved to a desk closer to the front, the prefect giving his friend an apologetic look.

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