(38) Finishing Up

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The days have passed. And soon as hell weeks were over, no one could really believe that they were heading home yet again. But the year did not end without a bit of surprise. It was like an unexpected bomb that was dropped upon all of them, Florence, Nicolai and Alexander walked in to the Great Hall with rumors spreading around that Professor Remus Lupin was a werewolf. Florence was baffled, to say the least, too distracted in listening to Jeremy Stretton and Duncan Inglebee about the rumor to even touch the buttered piece of hot toast that was sitting on her plate.

"But, that can't be. . . Professor Lupin was so nice. Who would have known?" said Nicolai in a distressed tone, all the while gathering more and more food onto her plate silently. Jeremy nodded earnestly. "I know, right? I mean, seeing the rumor came from the Slytherins, it would hardly be believable." he said.

"Oh but don't say anything about this. Penelope Clearwater actually asked Professor Flitwick about the werewolf rumor that had acquired overnight—you know, just to see if the information was right— and Professor Flitwick did confirm it." Duncan whispered to the group.

Professor Lupin's seat at the teacher's table was vacant, everyone expecting for him to be in his office and packing since his werewolf secret got out. Florence didn't really think too much about the matter. So what if he was a werewolf? She thought. Florence would say, without any sort of hesitation, that he was the best Defense teacher she had had in a while.

"So that does kind of mean that we're having another Defense teacher next year?" huffed Alexander, "I want him to stay"

"Same." muttered Florence, the others mentally acknowledging how good he actually was with his job this year. "The legend about that position being cursed is true, I tell you. No one could barely even stay more than two years anymore." said Nicolai, looking as distraught as her other two friends.

But that wasn't all that got Florence's stomach in a twist. Tonight was going to be the night when she would meet the one person that she simultaneously knows and does not know enough. She could feel the anxiety nibbling at her the whole day as she packed, a worried look on her face as she packed her trunk.

"Oh stop being so fussy about tonight, Flo," said Nicolai, obviously noticing her mood. Florence looked up from her trunk for a brief second, before sighing yet again. "Don't.... Just leave me be. I don't even know what I should be doing aside from being fussy."

"You should be happy! You're going to gain a new friend, and er—maybe a possible love interest?" Nicolai suggested, the look on Florence's face saying everything, "No? No love interest? Okay." she said sheepishly.

"It's just... What am I going to do? Or what should I say? Hello, it's great to meet you. Finally. Or, I've been looking forward for this moment, and I am kind of nervous because you might not be as great as I thought you are."

"Why are you even worrying about what to say?" Nicolai chuckled, setting a few books into her trunk before looking around for her Ravenclaw scarf, "Why wouldn't I? When we meet, one of us will have to speak during some point, right? I just don't want things to be awkward in any way." Florence said honestly.

"Awkward?" Nicolai snorted, "How could you two be awkward around each other? I mean, isn't talking anonymously for almost a year be the most awkward scenario yet? I'm sure you two would hit off just fine."

"Easy for you to say." Florence breathed out, before closing her trunk. Packing day was one of the very few days wherein she was thankful not to own an owl, as it was very tiresome to have to fetch it at the owlery so that you wouldn't have to do it hurriedly the next day. But during other days, she wished that she had another owl, and not just the family one.

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