(4) Quidditch and Territorial Friends

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The last detention session seemed to fly by really fast, considering the fact that the Weasley twins barely even spoke to her when they were at it. Florence was relieved, the thought of being free from detention gave her a somewhat unexplainable bliss that she was more than willing to feel. Everyone around her was moaning about how much homework they were going to do on the weekend, but Florence did not mind the amount of homework one bit.

Saturday morning started off with a lovely weather condition, the three friends going down to the Great Hall for breakfast, chatting about how great their Defense Classes were with Professor Lupin. Everyone seemed to like the new DADA teacher. Not only did you want to stay fully awake in his classes, he was also very encouraging to everyone, especially the slow learners. None from Ravenclaw, ofcourse.

Their whole week seemed to have been composed of nothing but studying, the first week of classes bringing a mountain heap of assignments and researches. Alexander and Nicolai had made it more interesting, though, turning it into a competition. The first one who could produce precise and accurate homework would get to win a basket full of Alexander's last supply of Sugar Quills, and three chocolate frogs, courtesy of Florence . Nicolai, being the only person who hadn't contributed a single thing in the consolation prize basket had won, making the other two groan.

"I simply cannot wait for the Hogsmeade visit this Saturday. I am running out of energy to keep going."

"Did you two notice how extra sour Snape was to everyone?" inquired Alexander, his eyes not tearing away from the merciless 20 inches of parchment essay that was given to them during Potions. It could have been likely that it was because they were in their O.W.Ls year that Snape had given them longer homeworks, but the way he snapped at almost every little thing made them think otherwise.

"I think he was a bit cranky because of Longbottom's boggart. Have you heard of it? Apparently it was in Lupin's class, taught them about Boggarts and made Neville conjure Snape in granny clothes." Nicolai said with a snigger, dipping her quill into ink before continuing her essay, "He's been giving Professor Lupin the daunting look... with about fifty percent more loathing."

"Well everybody likes Lupin more than him. I know I do." Alexander said, cracking his knuckles as he took a break from all his writing, Nicolai and Florence nodding in agreement. "Except for the Slytherins, ofcourse. They practically worship him."

"His essays are torture. Honestly, I would have already been at the pitch if it wasn't for this."

"Quidditch practice. On a Saturday, and you said yes?" muttered Nicolai as if she was a disappointed mum, because her friend had plans for this afternoon. Plans which didn't involve them.

"Well if I waited for Roger to reschedule our practices, he's going to make us double our laps around the pitch. Do you even know how bloody large the Quidditch pitch is?"

"But we had plans this afternoon," pouted Alexander, Florence's brows knitting together in confusion. "No, we don't. We haven't talked about what we're going to do."

"We could study by the Black Lake and help each other with out ridiculous amount of homework." "Yeah, but I can't do that today. Maybe tomorrow?" Florence suggested, both Nicolai and Alexander giving her a look. "Alexander has prefect duties. We won't get to bond as a complete trio." Nic reminded, making her smack the palm of her hand onto her temple. "Right. I forgot. Well, I'll make it up to you two. Maybe next Saturday?"

"You'll have practices again."

"Maybe not..?" Florence bit her upper lip as her two friends looked disappointed. She had never anticipated that she was going to be this busy on the fifth year. She didn't want Nicolai and Xander to feel like she didn't have time for them.

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