(105) Columba

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A hectic week rolled by as quickly as anyone would have imagined. Florence was ultimately busy with Pitch booking and practices, barely having any time at all to do her heap-load of homework, but managed to squeeze it into her schedule anyways. Alexander, on the other hand, was also immersed in prefect duties, which left Nicolai in the company of Fred and George most of the time when they were not at practice.

Time was so precious that she found it absolutely relaxing to have gotten a few spare minutes to sit down with the twins at the courtyards. They had just came back from dropping off a snackbox at the greenery for a costumer, meeting quickly with her before the bell rang again.

"It feels like a frenzy," she whined, snuggled up against Fred's chest, "This is not how busy I thought seventh year would be."

"It's okay, love, we have...three more days until the weekends, yeah?"

"But I'm having practices on Saturday. And you guys have them on Sunday."

"We'll figure something out..." replied George, "Hogsmeade weekend is coming up... There's that."

"I wish it would come faster. I'm tired."

"Well, there's nothing we can do but get busy before then," said Fred, "Just don't think about stuff too much, and before you know it, it will be all over." he planted a kiss on her forehead , just as the bell rang.

"Rats," she cursed, "I better get going. My next class is all the way up the third floor." Florence gave George a brief hug, and Fred a short kiss on the cheek (which still made George fake gag) before taking off.

"Why must you two do that infront of me?" George groaned, Fred playfully shoving him, "Godric's sake, what was wrong with it? It was only on the cheek."

"You wouldn't understand."

"Awww," Fred cooed, "Is Georgie tired of being single?"

"Stop it."

"You know, we should start looking for potential love interests of yours. After all, it is our last year here. We're not getting any younger, brother."

Florence, meanwhile, had made it to her Charms class just in time. As much as she loved the subject, she couldn't help but dislike it a little due to the fact that it was the only subject where she barely knew anyone. She took the seat closest to the door, waited for the lessons to start, and barely said a peep throughout the entire hour.

As Defense Against the Dark Arts rolled by, she found herself wondering how many days worth of detention Umbridge was going to give her if she threw a book at her face.

It was a rather long shot from her seat to the front of the room. But after all, long range was her specialty.

She was the primary reason why she can't send letters to Sirius normally anymore, Florence thought bitterly as she jotted down the notes written on the board.

"Have you been to the owlry lately?" Nicolai whispered.

"No, why?"

"Well, I went up there last night and Filch jumped out of bloody nowhere, accusing me of sending in an order for dungbombs."

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