(102) Umbridge Dumbridge

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"Oh god," Nicolai groaned as she set her napkin down, "I was about to say how much I love today because lunch is delicious, but then I remembered what class we have next and suddenly I just felt like the whole world collapsed."

"Defense Against the Dark Arts..." Florence huffed, "You know, even if Professor Moody was a Death Eater in disguise, I actually like him better than Umbridge."

"He's way better, death eater or not. I mean, he actually taught us spells. Now I feel like it's homeschool all over again with how many chapters we've read in the first four days. We've been sitting on our arses."

"Look on the bright side," remarked Xander, ever the optimist he was, "It's Friday tomorrow, which means the weekend is coming. Sleeping for you, Nic, and Quidditch tryouts for you, Flo. And for me...Prefect duties. Not as relaxing, but it will do." he patted his two friends on the back, "And, another positive thing? Atleast we're in the same DADA class. That way we'll be able to talk shit about her as soon as the bell rings."

"That's the only upside to it." Nicolai added, "I can't wait for this bloody year to be over."

"But it just started...?"

"Yeah? When it's done, I'm going to pretend like Umbridge Dumbridge was just a bad dream. A terrible, horrible, no good, very bad dream."

"Umbridge Dumbridge?" Xander repeated with an impish smile, "Catchy. I like it."

"Let's just get this over with," Florence said, picking up her book bag, "I know how much we hate her guts, but we still can't be late to her class. Merlin knows how much bitching she'll do if we walk in even two seconds after the bell."

Fortunately, Umbridge was nowhere in sight as the three walked in to her room. A couple of students were already seated, dreadfully waiting for the class to start. Florence silently prayed that the giant squid dragged her to the bottom of the ocean, and that Remus would come and teach to replace her. But this happy bubble of hers popped as soon as she heard the familiar clicking of heels against the floor as soon as they settled down at a desk in the middle row of the room.

Students started piling in to the classroom, Xander spotting Olivia come in to the room. She met his gaze for awhile, before hastily tearing it away as she made her way over to a desk at the front. But she was beaten to it by a Gryffindor girl, making her huff, as the only available seat was next to Alexander.

He gave her a small smile as she hesitantly settled in to the seat, scooting her chair a few inches away. "Don't even think about talking to me." she warned him sharply, before averting her attention to the front of the class.

"Okay, students, if you will, flip your books open to page fourty-six." Umbridge instructed, doing the same for her own copy, "But before we skim through the topics for today, it has come to my attention that the incident with my fifth year class is now known by all." She descended from her podium, walking up closer to the front row of students with a forced smile on her face.

"I am also aware, that even some of you, sitting in this class period of mine, say, disapproves of my teaching methods."

"Yeah, no kidding..." Nicolai muttered under her breath, making Florence crack a smile.

"Infact, this doesn't just apply to this class, but to all the classes I teach. There will always be one, or more, who firmly insists that I do not know what I'm doing. But I'll tell you, I wouldn't be sent here by the ministry to teach if I didn't know what I'm getting myself in to." she chuckled, a futile attempt to add humor to her boring speech.

"I know what you all think, believe me when I say so. You all think, that you should be learning defensive spells because it's, well, a defense class. But you won't need it! As I said before! There won't be any attacks, despite all the rumors being planted in your head by your headmaster, and Mr. Potter."

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