(174) Hello Old Friend

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Sloan was against Matthew staying at the Price Manor. And it was a problem because he was going to be discharged from St. Mungo's and had nowhere else to stay.

Florence had been trying to persuade her uncle. There were still a couple of vacant rooms in the house, and Matthew could easily stay there for the time being, until he was capable of being back up on his feet, physically and financially.

"Florence, I said no," Sloan said sternly, marching himself in to the drawing room with Florence hot on his heels, a determined look set on her face, "Oh come on, as if that's stopped me before."

"Florence. This is one of the Order's base of operations. We can't let him infiltrate it like that. I understand if you feel bad for him, but the ministry will gladly provide housing for him if I talk to Scrimgeour."

"So what? He can live alone? And eventually his ex Death Eater friends will swoop in and pick him off once and for all?" she said, before folding her arms over her chest, "I'm not gonna let that happen."

"Then put him somewhere else!" He said exasperatedly, "Somewhere else with other people that isn't here. Hell, you can let him live at your flat for all I care. Ask George if he'd be willing to have a roommate."

Florence rolled her eyes at this, "Sloan, I'm being serious."

"Yeah? Well so am I." He snapped back, "I don't trust him. I don't know if I'll ever trust him again. I know you might be swayed because he was your father's best friend but that shouldn't be a reason for you to be trusting so quickly."

"He's not a Death Eater spy!" Florence retorted, "You, and the Aurors and the Ministry have been poking around at him doing your tests and asking questions, yet you have turned up absolutely no proof that he's still an accomplice. Isn't that not enough?"

"We can't afford to let our guard down these days. It's much too risky. I am taking every precautionary steps to ensure that the Order doesn't lose any more people." Sloan said firmly, "Matthew will not stay here."

Florence looked back at him defiantly, "Sloan, this is my house. I don't even need to run this by you, I just did so out of courtesy." he was taken aback by this, "Oh, so now you're pulling the this is my house card? For what, for Matthew? Be sensible, Florence."

"I didn't want to pull that card, but you were being a hard-ass and you left me with no choice."

"Because I don't trust him! Why won't you take that in to consideration?"

"Because it doesn't make sense. He's been cleared of everything." Florence retorted, "At this point you're just being stubborn."

"Oh I'm being stubborn?" Sloan scoffed, "You should go get a quick look at the mirror, young lady!"

"Guys!" Remus interjected, entering the drawing room, Sirius in tow "Please, everyone can hear you with your voices raised that way."

"He's being stubborn!"

"She's being stubborn!"

They yelled in unison, Sirius shaking his head slightly at this. "Okay, both of you, sit down."

They did so begrudgingly.

"Sloan, I know you're worried Matthew is going to pull something. I'm sure you won't be the only one with the same concerns if we bring it up to the other Order members residing in this house." Remus explained, before turning to Florence, "And you, miss, you have to understand that being too trusting can lead to someone's downfall. But I understand your concern too. If Matthew is indeed innocent, and we don't put him under someone's protection, his captors might come back for him and finish him off."

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