(28) What It Really Means

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O.W.L.s were nearing, which meant that their workload had increased drastically over the past few days. Florence, Nicolai and Alexander were able to hang out more often, as they would gather at the common room and just do their work silently. It wasn't the kind of bonding Florence had wanted, but it was good enough since one of them would crack up jokes in the middle of a study sesh, and they would have a laugh together.

Florence had been keeping a close eye on her protean charm, expecting some sort of message from him. He hadn't been talking to her for a long time, and she was beginning to wonder if he'd forgotten about her entirely. Fred, on the other hand, was also waiting for her to send him anything at all, thinking that she had forgotten about him too.

Nicolai and George found amusement in their oblivion, as the two would constantly check on their proteans even if they were in the same class. Nicolai wondered why they couldn't see it, why everyone but them thought that they looked great together.

Alexander was doing prefect duties that afternoon during lunch when Nicolai and Florence were studying up in their dormitories for a test on Charms. Florence had been glancing occasionally at Nicolai, who was only able to go a few sentences, before her eyes trailed away from her book. She looked sidetracked and bothered, like how she was for the past few days.

"Is something wrong, Nic?" she asked concerdly, closing her book and scooting over towards her best friend—who was lying on her back and glaring at the ceiling as if it was offending her greatly. "Nic!" she repeated, waving a hand over her face.

"Yeah?" she mumbled, still unfazed.

"You seem...off today. Did George do anything to you?" she asked, aggression rising at the last part, making Nicolai chuckle. "Although I do appreciate your strong urge to kill a Weasley, I'd rather that you pick someone else instead of my boyfriend. Percy will do."

"Boyfriend?!" Florence squaked, Nicolai wanting to slap herself mentally for saying that, "Since when have you two been official?!" she asked incredulously.

Nicolai shrugged, trying to act casual, "No, he hasn't asked me...yet. But we spend too much time together that I might as well call him that, right?"

"So that's what you're worried about! Isn't it? You're worried because he hasn't asked you yet? Right?" Florence concluded, looking absolutely pleased with herself. Nicolai looked at her weirdly, before shaking her head.

"Believe me, Flo, I am not worried about him still not asking me. We've been going out for less than a month, that's way too short to get to know him. And I'd be surprised if he did ask me too soon."

Florence frowned, "Well, why the long face, then?"

"It's not about George... It's kind of about Jillian." she said, their row during the last weekend kept playing on and on in her head. She was still so furious at her whenever she saw her anywhere near Alexander. Nicolai believed that Jillian was being unfair, and also something else. It was a foreign feeling, that she couldn't quite point a finger at.

"Why would it be about Jillian? Jillian's lovely."

"She is...lovely. But, I don't know, I don't want her to be with Xander." Nicolai admitted.

"Why not?" Florence scooted closer towards her friend, "What's with her that you don't think she should be with Alexander?" she asked.

Well, aside from the fact that she's gay and she's using Alexander to try and change herself, she's alright really, "I don't know. Honestly." she shrugged, ignoring her mocking conscience, "But there's something about her... I know Xander's been liking her for a long time, but I can't help but feel that she isn't for him. She's going to break his heart. And I don't want that to happen to him."

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