(181) The Scare

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Florence woke up to a horrible sensation in the pit of her stomach.

It was Monday morning, and she, Fred and George had returned back to their apartment from Hogwarts yesterday in the afternoon. They had spent half of Sunday just lounging about, trying to get some rest. Florence didn't feel like cooking, so the twins went out and bought take out food. It was the first thing Florence thought of the minute she felt something rising up her throat.

Quickly, she flung Fred's draped arm off of her body and raced to the bathroom, throwing the toilet seat open before hurling the remains of last night's dinner in to the toilet bowl. She let out a shaky breath, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand as she slumped down on to the bathroom floor, feeling the queasy sensation go away. It could have just been her stomach not agreeing to something that she ate, Florence thought briefly. She took a moment, before getting up off of the floor and flushing the toilet, then washed her hands and mouth and started back to her room to get her towel. It was early, and she wasn't supposed to be up, but she figured that she might as well start getting ready.

George was having a cup of tea in the dining room when she emerged out of the bathroom, the Weasley twin looking at him curiously, "Florence, are you quite alright? You're not usually up this early. Did something happen?"

"Uh, I've just had to throw up... but I'm feeling fine now."

George grimaced, "Feeling sick is the worst. Are you sure you're okay, though?"

"Yeah, no, I swear I'm okay. I must have just eaten something bad the other day in the Ravenclaw commons... or something last night for dinner... I don't know, it was just an upset stomach, though."

George frowned, "If it was something from last night, Fred and I should be feeling the same thing... but I feel quite fine right now..." he said, "You want me to owl Julien to tell him you can't make it to work today? We could take you to St. Mungo's for a quick check up?"

"No, its fine. I'll be fine. Plus I can't really afford to miss any sessions today. We're being evaluated for the week." she smiled, trying to reassure him, "I'm sure it was just a one time thing."

It was not a one time thing.

Florence felt it again in the middle of lectures, immediately putting her hand up to excuse herself, before running as fast as she could to the restrooms. She made it just in time, crouching over the toilet and hurling bits of the little breakfast she had that morning. She huffed, checking to see if she had gotten anything on her uniform, before cleaning herself up. She stared at herself in the mirror momentarily, before heading back to class.

Again, it happened during lunch. This time, Nic followed her to the bathroom. She crossed her arms, raising a brow at her best friend, "So, let me guess... you've been feeling like crap all day but didn't bother to tell anyone...?"

"Its not a big deal, Nic. I'm fine..."

She gave her a deadpan look, "How many times have you thrown up today?"



"...okay fine. This is the third time, okay?" Florence huffed, washing her mouth off with some tap water, "But I swear I'm fine. It might just be something I ate last night. Fred and George got some weird food at Leaky Cauldron for dinner last night. It might just be that."

"Well are Fred and George throwing up too, then?" Nicolai asked, Florence shaking her head no. She looked at her once more, before Nicolai nodded her head, "Yeah, okay, I'm taking you to St. Mungo's. Go tell Julien you'll be going home early."

"I can't just skip out on training."

"I'll get you a Healer's note, it will be fine."

With a little bit more persuasion, Nicolai was able to get Florence to come with her back to St. Mungo's after their lunch break. She took her to an empty room, and had her sit on the bed. Nicolai left for a bit to set her things down, as well as fetch one of the more experienced healers. Florence sat, her legs only dangling slightly off the bed. Ever since she was hospitalized from nearly bleeding out to death, the hospital scene always made her uncomfortable. It was just something about the bright white walls and the smell.

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