(115) Hard Truths

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"How long until Mr. Weasley gets to go home, mum?" Florence asked as she sat at the dining table with Sloan and Julien, her mother shuffling around the house, getting her things ready for work. She checked her hair in the mirror one last time, before finally settling down to eat before she left, "They aren't sure yet, dear. Although they did save him from the snake venom, his physical state is pretty bad."

"Hopefully before Christmas comes around..." said Sloan, "Wouldn't want him to spend it in the hospital. It's a real gloomy place."

"Will you be going back there this afternoon?" Jane asked her daughter, who shook her head, "Molly says I've done enough. And I shouldn't exhaust myself with it. I was actually thinking of going to see Sirius, if that's okay? And maybe stay there for a couple of days?"

Jane set her fork down,'"I don't know if it's the best idea—"

"I don't have training today," said Julien, "I can take her there. And plus, Tonks said she'll help me with something from Concealment and Disguise. I'm no metamorphmagus like she is, but I may be able to learn a thing or two."

"Well that would be much appreciated if you'll accompany her. Thank you, Julien."

"Why can't I just apparate there on my own? I'm already of age, if you've forgotten."

"I haven't." Jane replied, swiping a napkin across her mouth, "It's just that wandering around alone these days isn't the best thing to do. Not after Arthur's attack. They could be after any Order member next."

"You think it's because they know he's in the Order that he was attacked?"

"It's not certain. But it's better to take precaution anyway."

"Okay... having an Auror trainee bodyguard following me around is better than not getting to go anywhere at all." said Florence, who finished the last of her food before excusing herself from the table, "I'm going to go pack a bag."

Her mum was the first one to depart from the house, her heels clicking against the floor as she half jogged to get outside, mumbling frantically about how she was very late. Florence and Julien said goodbye to Sloan a few minutes after Jane had left, before walking a few blocks away from the manor in order to apparate.

"Jules," Florence called his attention as soon as he had closed the gate behind them, "Can I tell you something."

"Sure," he said, "You can tell me anything...Is something going on?"

She had realized that she hadn't told anyone from her family about receiving the Auror recruitment forms, and had told nobody at all that she had infact, accepted the offer. Jane was still under the impression that Florence was going to train for Professional Quidditch the moment she graduated from Hogwarts, and, somehow, she did not have the heart to tell her that she decided on a different path without even consulting her.

McGonagall did advise her to talk to her mother before she decided on what to do with the offer.

Maybe talking to Julien about it would lessen her guilt.

"Yeah, actually. I accepted a recruitment offer from the Auror office. I'm going to train to become one after I graduate."

He paused in his tracks, just like Florence had anticipated him to do, "Why do I have a feeling that you haven't talked to your mum about this? I'm pretty sure she only mentioned a Quidditch offer."

"That's because you're right. I haven't told her about it yet."

"And you're waiting for what? Exactly? I didn't really think you were the type who kept secrets from your mum."

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