(33) Buckbeak's Trial

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The days seemed to just have flown by, the fifth years growing anxious and anxious for their O.W.L exams, and the rest of the school for their annual year-end tests. Professor McGonagall had not been merciful during their test that afternoon, making sure she covered almost everything she discussed from September up until that very month. Florence hadn't all too anticipated everything she saw on her papers, but was able to survive nonetheless.

They came out from the classrooms looking stressed and frazzled, Alexander's hair messy from all the hair ruffling he did whilst taking the test. Nicolai looked peachy—but still worried about her test score. Professor Mcgonagall had mentioned something about it being a relative O.W.L.s mock tests and everything they saw there might be present during the final exams.

Tests became more lethal and mind twisting, even the gentle Professor Sprout had not been so gentle upon giving them loads of essays due in a few days time. The three barely got any sleep from studying and doing research at the library. There was even one instance where Alexander had slept in the library—faint black texts sticking to his cheek.

"I give up on life!" Nicolai declared, her whole body occupying the couch as she buried her head under the throw pillows. Florence took it as an opportunity to sit on her bum, making the shorter brunette yelp. "Get off of me, you fat ass."

"You're one to talk," Florence snorted, patting her bum, "Yours is pretty fluffy too. Hypocrite."

"What scandal are you two creating this time?" gasped Alexander, who descended from the boys dormitories, his hair untamed and damp on his head. He was one who loved cold showers before he engaged into hardcore studying, it gave him some sort of 'focus'.

"Please, Xander, what's more scandalous than your face?" Nicolai countered, making Florence chortle in amusement as Alexander shot them dirty looks, "Okay, rude you two. That was very, very rude. And I didn't even do anything."

"As if you aren't  used to playful banter, Xan."

He pursed his lips, before plopping down beside his friend, "Point taken. So anyways, I was hoping we could start working on the Astronomy paper. I kind of am having trouble with that one—"

"I'm done with that." Nicolai chimed in, Florence nodding, "Same here."

"Well then, this study session is pretty useless." Alexander sighed, moving to pick up his quill. "Perhaps you could give me a list of the reference books you looked in to for the paper. I suck at finding books, if you must know."

Florence nodded, "Nicolai found most of the useful ones. There's A Guide to Planets and Stars, Space Entities For Future Astronomers, Big Wide Space, and... What was the title of that big book you found, Nic? It gave us a lot to write down."

Nicolai looked deep in thought for a moment, "It was the one with a galaxy spine... Hardbound Black leather with stars on the cover... The title's font was in bold —"

"Very informative. Ten points to Ravenclaw for being so observant regarding the physical aspects of the book." mocked Alexander as Florence stifled a laugh, "Honestly, Nicolai, who remembers a font style and forgets the title itself?"

"You can't blame me... Florence and I were in a rush to finish all of it..." she huffed, sliding her Potions textbook onto the desk with an impish grin, "Let's do Potions instead, yeah? Snape is awfully determined in kicking my arse. That foul git. If he wasn't my professor I would have mouthed him off..."

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