(104) Ravenclaw Tryouts

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"Merlin's beard, that's a lot of people..." Florence mumbled as she walked into the pitch with Cho Chang. Earlier, she had the biggest and most confident smile on her face, which seemed to falter with every step she took closer towards their destination. "That's a lot of people," she said again, in a lower voice, feeling a rave of emotions at the pit of her stomach, "I can't do this."

"Yes you can," Cho Chang retorted, "Come on, you're not a stranger to a crowd of people. You've been a Chaser ever since second year."

"I'm not worried about the people that way." she mumbled, pulling down the hem of her jumper, "There's a lot of them... What if we don't choose the right ones?"

"We trust your judgement. And you trust ours. I know that Duncan, Jason, and Grant were basically like family to us, but we will be able to find someone as good as they were."

"You're right. No need to be nervous." she huffed, looking around for her other teammates, "Where's Jeremy and Roger?"

"Here, captain!" Jeremy chimed in, Florence swiveling around to find the two of them carrying the ball trunk, pleasant looks on their faces. They walked over to the center of the field, setting the equipment down as Cho and Florence started to silence the crowd. A lot more people came as they expected, and Roger couldn't help but grunt at the sight of this.

"Looks like we're going to be here for awhile."

"Sure does." Jeremy chuckles, "Say, I haven't had the chance to ask you yet, but how does it feel to be dethroned?"

"It kind of hurts, I'll admit, especially since I'm still actually playing for the team. But not as much, knowing it's in good hands. Flitwick chose right."

"Would you have said the same if he chose me?" he asked, making Roger smile. "I'll trust any of you three to manage the team."

"Awww, that was very flattering, ex-capt."

"Alright!" Florence yelled, the wave of murmurs dying down as soon as she stepped forward. Her eyes skimmed through the people in the front row, seeing familiar faces in the crowd. She cleared her throat, before she spoke, "For some of you who are unfamiliar as to who I am, my name is Florence, this year, I will serve as the Ravenclaw team captain. On behalf of my team, I am very thankful to see such a wonderful turn-up today, despite the early time frame—" she paused, eyeing three boys as the ran up to the crowd, late as ever.

"What I would like you all to do now is group yourselves according to which position you're applying for. Beaters," she pointed to her left, "Gather here, while Keepers, form your group to my right."

The crowd disbanded for a moment as they walked over to their designated areas, Florence smiling as it was going well so far.

"Now, the tryouts will be split in to four phases. Each phase will be harder than the last, and as each phase ends, people will be eliminated from the lot." she informed them, roaming back and forth, "But before the official tryouts will commence, we shall start with phase one, warm-ups."

Murmur started to erupt from the crowd, but was promptly shut down by Cho, who then turned to Florence as she continued to speak, "Now there won't necessarily be an elimination in this phase. All Quidditch games and practices always start with warm-ups, and we consider this routine very vital to all athletes."

"So, with your groups, I would like you to come up with exercises to warm up your muscles. You will be given thirty minutes to do so. Davies, Stretton, Chang and I will be roaming around to meet some of you while this is happening. You may begin."

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