(26) A Long Day

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It was the first time in all her life that Florence had woken up for a Hogsmeade weekend without feeling some sort of giddiness course through her. She sat up from her bed, sighing as her eyes landed on Nicolai's vacated bed. With a heavy heart, she trudged to the bathroom to do her morning necessities. She didn't make a single effort in hurrying up, knowing that none of her friends were downstairs and waiting for her to finish.

In a span of three months and a few weeks, their fifth year would be over, the February temperature growing a tad bit warmer than February—however, not warm enough to go without a jumper or any extra layer of clothing.

Florence had gone down stairs, from the entrance hall she could already see both of her best friends on different tables. "So much for making time for me... Can't even spare breakfast for me." she muttered, plopping across from Jeremy and Roger who looked at her quizzically.

"Why the long face, Price?" asked Jeremy as she reached for an apple and gloomily stared at it. "As you can see, today will be the first time that I will be flying solo during a Hogsmeade visit since both of my prospects are apparently too preoccupied in their own lives."

"I see," said Roger, glancing at both Nicolai and Alexander.

"So it is true, then? Nicolai's dating Weasley?"

"Apparently so..." Florence sighed audibly, Cho sympathizing with her—as she was a seat away from Jeremy. "I'd go with you Florence, but I already promised Cedric that we would—"

"No, nope," she said most definitely, "You are not compromising your date with Cedric for anything, Cho. I'd rather that I went alone than you standing him up."

The seeker grinned, "Well, I thought you'd say that."

"And you thought right." she nodded, feeling someone sink down beside her. She swiveled around, frowning at one of the Weasley twins. "So... Are you here to give me my best friend back?"

Fred raised a brow, "I'm Fred, actually." he corrected, Florence jabbing her temple at this, "Sod...I thought for sure that I could tell you two apart by now."

"Well, it would be quite easy now. Just remember that George's with your best friend, canoeing down the tunnel of love, whereas I remain single."

"Right..." she grumbled, plopping her barely finished apple onto her plate before pushing it away, "Now what brings you here?"

"Well, since I'm sulking, and obviously you are too, why don't we just go to hogsmede together? George said you'd be alone...or are you making any plans with anyone?" he eyed Jeremy and Roger, who both shook their heads no.

"Nah, mate, you could go with her. Roger and I—we're both booked—"

"By each other?" Florence asked, making Cho and Fred chortle, the two chasers glaring at her as she grinned in amusement.

"Real funny, you tosser." Jeremy said flatly

"We're going with separate dates," Roger emphasized, Florence raising a brow—making the captain sigh, "Merlin... No, I'm not gay, Price." he said, accompanied by an eyeroll.


"So..." Fred trailed off, "How about it, Price. You and I be each other's company to hogsmeade."

Florence shrugged, "Yeah, well, I have nothing better to do, anyways."

"Great," he beamed.

"But... It's nothing like...that, okay?" she clarified, Fred giving her an incredulous look, "Ofcourse it won't be anything like that."

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