(143) Post Heartbreak

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The day after the next was Florence's first day in training. The news of her and Fred's split spread like wildfire among friends and family. No one had really questioned her about it, not wanting her to feel even worse than she already did at the moment. Even Nicolai, who'd been slightly angry at how irrational of a move that was, had to hold her temper in, per Alexander's suggestion.

Florence was particularly looking forward to her first day, catching wind that Scrimgeour was retiring from his position, and passing his title over to his Senior Undersecretary, Gawain Robards. From what Sloan had said over breakfast, Mr. Robards was more empathetic compared to Scrimgeour, and was, in his opinion, a better pick to run the Auror program.

Sloan did not have time to stay long, though. As much as he wanted to accompany Florence to see her off for her first day, the Order of the Phoenix was in great shambles, following the Death Eater attack that killed two of their most valuable members. They had also been busy figuring out the base of operations for the Death Eaters, planning to disband the small group responsible for muggle attacks to prevent any more from happening.

Florence was surprised at how open Sloan was to talking to her about Order Operations when last summer everyone did everything they could to prevent her and the others from hearing it.

"Well, Florence, it's because you're an adult now," Sloan explained briefly, swiping a napkin across his mouth before standing up, "And you're well out of school and will be joining the Auror force. At this rate, I'll be surprised if you'd want to be inducted into the Order soon."

As soon as Sloan left for work, Florence went upstairs to prepare.

Pinning her father's clip onto her new training uniform, Florence took one short glance at the mirror before heading downstairs, Julien waiting for her by the threshold.

"Look at you," he smiled, "I hope you're ready for this, cousin."

She nodded her head, a glint of determination evident in her eyes, "Ofcourse I am."

He chuckled, "Not trying to put your confidence down or anything, but I was just like this the first day. Excited. Let me just tell you it's everything but exciting. Well, probably because it was Scrimgeour who was still incharge. I don't know what Robards is going to do."

"Why did Scrimgeour quit?" Florence asked, "I would have thought he liked being the big bad wolf in his job."

"He does like being the big bad wolf," Julien mused at her analogy, "He quit to take a job to be an even bigger and badder wolf. He's going to be the Minister of Magic now."

"What? Did Fudge die or something?" Florence asked, confused. There was no way Fudge would step down from a position of power that he valued too much.

"No, he just chickened out when the threat of the Death Eaters became too real for him to handle." said Julien, before grabbing her hand, the two of them apparating out of the road and in to a secluded alley leading up to the Ministry of Magic.

Florence had only ever used the visitor's entrance before, and it was an odd feeling to walk into the main doors, especially in the uniforms of someone who is part of a much bigger and very important cause. It was just something she had to get used to.

"This way," Julien beckoned, the two turning into a hallway before getting on to an elevator.

There were many twists and turns leading to the Auror wing of the building. Julien had lead her to the first training room upon their arrival, before bidding her good bye, as the people in their last years of training were put in a separate place. "Make sure to kick ass, Flo. I'll see you later."

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