(82) The Weasleys

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"Okay," Fred breathed out, his brows drawing together in great concentration as George held two empty spray bottles steadily under the beaker that Fred was slowly tipping, "Only half full each, yeah?"

"That's right... It'll be easier to dispense then.."

The liquid streamed steadily into the narrow opening of the spray bottle, careful not to waste even a single drop. They had filled up half of the first bottle and was proceeding to do the same with the second when the door had violently swung open, making Fred flinch, a few droplets spilling onto the hardwood floor. "Ron, you douchhead!" Fred yelped in frustration, making the younger Weasley frown, "What's your problem?"

"Are you forgetting how to knock?" George scowled, moving to wipe the spilled potion on the floor, "You don't just barge in whenever you please."

"Bloody hypocrites," Ron murmured, "It's not like you two don't just barge in to my room at home."

"Whatever," Fred dismissed, "What do you want?"

"Mum and Bill are downstairs at the champions' chambers. Bill told me to tell you that mum wants to see all of us after we have our breakfast."

"That's it?" Fred asked impatiently, Ron scowling at his rudeness before replying, "Yeah that's about it... What are those for?" he asked, his eyes trailing to the suspicious looking concoction.

"None of your bisuness! Now out!"

"Geez," he murmured, moving to shut the door, only to pop back into the room again, "Are you bringing your girlfriend to meet Mum, Freddie?"


The two had wrapped up their preparations within ten minutes, throwing on casual clothes hurriedly as they wanted to make it in time for breakfast after heading down to the kitchens to distribute their potions. The elves weren't particularly fond of their tricks, and rarely did them prank-related favors, which was why they had borrowed Harry's invisibility cloak for the meantime, George getting under it himself since the two of them did not fit. After securing that each and every pastry was sprayed with their potion, they snuck off, disposing of evidence by transfiguring the spray bottles into apples and throwing them into the food bin.

"Next stop, Ravenclaw commons."


"Nic, are you sure your shoes are in our room?" huffed Florence, getting down to her knees as she checked under her four poster bed as Nicolai practically dug out everything in her trunk in search of her white sneakers.

"I don't know... the last time I wore them around the castle was Hogsmeade weekend. I've been pacing about in my flipflops for the past few afternoons..." she informed her friend, just as soon as she reached the bottom of her now empty chest, "Dammit, it's not here...where did I put it?"

"Why do you even need those shoes anyways?" Florence pulled Nicolai's gray pair from the doormat, "Wear these... We can't stay here any longer or we won't be able to eat breakfast."

"I need to wear them, though." Nicolai insisted, "It's my good luck shoes. Given what today is, Hogwarts needs all the luck it can get to win." she yanked open one of Gabriella's drawers, hearing a faint leave my stuff alone from the bathroom. Nicolai glared at her direction, before searching the bottom of the other girls' beds. "Not here either..."

"Maybe it's in the common room..?" Florence suggested, Nicolai's eyes lighting up at this, "Right! It's probably by the potted plant near the couch. I usually take my shoes off when I lay down on the cushions."

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