(45) Animagus Secrets

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Everything had seemed quite better after that day. Florence no longer felt the need to constantly avoid any sort of interaction from the two house guests. Even she had warmed up to Professor Lupin, who was no longer her Professor really, but did not know what to call the man aside from that.

If not replying to Nicolai and Alexander's letters, she was found in the sitting room with Sirius, going through a muggle book of songs that you could play on guitar.

It was quite unbearable at first, Florence's fingers hurting as they pressed down on the strings, and often times they were stretched too far apart for her liking. But the sound it produced and the progress that she had built in one setting was enough to urge her into not giving up that easily.

Sirius had also urged her not to give up that easily, him sharing countless memories of his times at Hogwarts as the two spent time together.

Sirius and Remus were like the uncles that she never had, and somewhat made the house much more lively. Not that she didn't like it when it was her and her mum for the whole summer, but she also liked the company of two others.

And the Hippogriff that was supposed to be executed, inhabiting their attic.

No one told Florence about it first, not wanting to freak her out more than she was already.

Ofcourse the adults in the house had let that certain detail slip through their fingers, which resulted to Florence discovering Buckbeak's existence all by her self.

She nearly scared the creature away.

It took another few days to get used to the fact that there was a bloody hippogriff in her house.

A fugitive, a lycanthrope and a mixed breed that was illegally smuggled out of execution. What a party.

And because of this, requests of visiting that Alexander and Nicolai made were declined. They no longer had their every other weekend sleepover, or their bake-fest with Florence.

When asked why they couldn't have visitors, Jane would use much of her persuasion powers to keep them from being suspicious of anything.

Alexander and Nicolai had never seen Mrs. Price as edgy as she was at that certain moment.

Because of these series of events, Florence had entirely forgotten about asking her mother about the World Cup, only remembering when she saw it on the headlines of the newspaper.

Jane studied the ticket that was laid in front of her. Quidditch tickets. And not just any tickets, tickets that were for an exclusive box. She looked up at her daughter once more, "Are you sure that this costed nothing for Adrianna?" Jane inquired.

"Yes, mum. She's a professional Quidditch player. She gets tickets to these events for free all the time." Florence reassured her, and spoke once more after a long period of silence, "So can I go then?" She asked hopefully.

"Are you going to have adult supervision there?"

Florence snorted, "Adrianna is adult supervision, mum. She's twenty one years old."

No. Not really.

Adrianna was just as much havoc as a teenager rebelling against their parents because she didn't get an allowance increase. She certainly did not act her age, everyone knew that.

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