(31) Answers

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Nicolai had found the days spent alone a complete convenience. Because she spent almost all of her time with Florence and Alexander, she had failed to appreciate how peaceful her contemplation was when she was by herself. Her thoughts had became much more comprehensive at this, not afraid that people would be able to see her thoughts.

Being alone had made her realize a whole bunch of stuff—a few of her realizations gave her some sort of anxiousness rather than the clarity of mind. It had dawned upon her that she has never heard neither Florence or Alexander talk about homosexuality.

What were their stands? Were they against it, did they support it? Nicolai couldn't really bear thinking that they were homophobic, and the percentage of the prospects of them being one was unknown. And it had frightened Nicolai to extremities.

She had felt a bit guilty for shunning her friends without a word of explanation. But she wanted them to understand, she had hoped that they would think nothing of it but just a few moments that she wanted to be by herself. But she was wrong, so wrong that she didn't even realize it until the moment she saw both of them plop down on the sofa across her, an obvious look of intense focus.

"What?" she asked skeptically, Florence's jaw tense.

"What do you mean, what? You avoid us for numerous days and all you could say is 'what'?" the brunette began exasperatedly, an uncharacteristic scowl on her face.  Nicolai could only recall a handful of times when she saw Florence as pissed as she was acting that moment—most occurring only after Quidditch games or changing of submissions for long essays. All she could do was deny, and deny some more.

But little did she know that her denial would get her nowhere, as Florence was positively hellbent on forcing the truth out of her. Florence knew it was wrong, as George said, they needed to wait until Nicolai wanted to spill the beans.

"What? Ignoring you? I've been busy, Flo. I had a lot of things on my plate. If you haven't noticed, Professor Snape's been breathing down my neck."

"Yeah? Well then you were too busy to even sit next to us at the Great Hall during meals then? Or perhaps talk to me before you go to sleep—I mean, it's not like we're on opposite wings of this damn castle, right? Our beds are right next to each other." Florence said pointedly.

Nicolai gave out an exasperated sigh, "I know that, Flo. I'm sorry. But you two did nothing wrong, I promise."

"Then what is it? Makes us understand, Nic." Alexander mumbled from where he sat beside Florence—whom he allowed to say the opening statement as he thought of other ways to make their persuasion a success. Florence was rather daunting, and he thought maybe they needed some of it now.

"Did George hurt you? Are you undergoing the stress and grief of a breakup? Are you pregnant—?"

"Florence." sighed Alexander, Nicolai's eyes widening at this.

"I'm sorry. I needed to ask. Are you pregnant with a Weasley baby, Nicolai?"

"No," she replied in some sort of half chortle and half startled voice, all the while staring at her best mates peculiarly. "No, why would you even think that? I mean, if that's your indirect way of saying I'm gaining weight then I would much prefer the more straightforward approach—"

"You're stirring us away from subject again!" Florence snapped frustratedly, "You absolutely cannot do that again Nic. I'm not leaving this couch until you explain to us what it is that's going on with you."

"We talked to George about it too, you know." Alexander added.

"And what did he say?" she asked nervously, beginning to doubt the trust that she had placed upon the redhead.

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