(136) Exam Days and Doom

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Fred and George had left Hogwarts approximately seven days before their N.E.W.T.s. And before they did so, they had created a giant marshy swamp right in front of Umbridge's office. The Headmistress had to be transported across the whole mess by a struggling Filch as Professor McGonagall and Flitwick were tasked to find a way to rid of it. Since the two despised Umbridge completely, it was no surprise that they took their precious time in doing so.

Florence was able to talk with Sirius infront of Umbridge's fireplace. Fred and George were the distraction, buying the two a sufficient amount of time. Florence didn't know how much she missed him until they got to chat, and was disappointed when the conversation was cut short by Filch bursting in. She and Harry were able to conceal themselves in the invisibility cloak just in time.

The next few days were spent in solitude, Florence, Nicolai and Xander spending all their free time inbetween classes in the library, as they had detention with the DA directly after school.

There was still some trouble with Marietta, as the other members had held a firm grudge against her, the only person who was quite vocal about defending her was Cho. She had explained how Marietta was forced to snitch on the group, as her mother's career was in stake. This caused a strain in Cho Chang and Harry's relationship, and after a few days, their budding romance had no chance in rekindling whatsoever.

Amidst her busy schedule, Florence had comforted Cho about this, telling her that he would eventually understand, and if he didn't, well, Harry wasn't the only boy in the castle.

Sometime over the week, Florence had received a letter from the Auror's Department, wishing her good luck on her exams and at the same time reminding her how important it was that she did good, as her final admission's fate lied in the hands of her test scores.

The pressure was definitely on.

She needed the best marks in Defense, Charms, Potions, Herbology and Transfiguration, all of which were essential in the Auror field.

Late nights were spent in the common room infront of the fireplace, her study session with Nicolai and Xander beginning the moment they came back from dinner and ending at daybreak at the latest. Several late nights, tea cups and days later, they were finally a few minutes close to taking what would be the most important exams of their lives.

Transfiguration was first, the test starting as soon as the 5th years had finished with their O.W.L.s.

The N.E.W.T.s definitely lived up to it's name, as Florence found herself staring at questions a few seconds longer than she would have liked. She had also seen Nicolai scratch the crook of her neck several times from where she was seated a few rows infront of her, and Xander had also been doing his nervous mannerisms throughout the duration of the test.

They left the testing room feeling frazzled as ever, Nicolai complaining about how the test had given her a very real and very painful headache.

"No one bother me!" she yelled as soon as she crossed the threshold of their dorm room, making a beeline for her bed and burying herself in her blankets, "I am going to hibernate for the rest of the week."

"Nic, we have atleast six more N.E.W.T.s to take, including Herbology, which you cannot skip because you actually need that for your Mediwitch application."

"I know," she groaned into her blankets, "Don't remind me, please. Let me have my moment."

"Silly girl," Florence chuckled, before plopping down on her own bed, "I am definitely knackered too. I can't wait for all of this to be over."

Nicolai rolled over to lie on her back, looking at Florence with a somewhat troubled expression, "Can I tell you something?"


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