(61) The Visitors

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Hello Padfoot,

Believe me when I say that I nearly choked on my own spit from laughing too hard at the nickname you came up with for yourself. Moony would have came up with something better, if you ask me.

I am terribly sorry for not writing very soon. Yes, I am drowning in school work, and also very sad that I won't be able to use my firebolt this year. Kind of grateful too since I am having a bit of trouble balancing my time.

I hope you and Moony are doing well, send him my regards as well. And please, do not be deceived by Miss Mimsy's do-good facade. You know better than to fall for it. She is evil, trust me on that.

Attached to this is my letter for mum, since I cannot send out two letters, since I told my friends that I'm only writing to mum.


PS: There's a door in the Elves' quarters that leads to outside if you need some padfoot time outdoors. BUT ONLY USE IT FOR PADFOOT TIME otherwise my mum will kill me for telling you about it.


The month had passed by quicker than anyone had noticed, and soon they were transitioning into October, when the guests from other Wizarding Schools would come to Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament.

There was excitement buzzing all around the school that day, classed were shortened for the visitors' welcome, so that they were greeted properly and with full courtesy.

Florence was amongst the students waiting outside for any signs of Beauxbatons or Durmstrang, along with Nicolai and George who were, as they said, seeking possible international love interests. Fred waited along with her, simply curious.

The twins had their own unfortunate mishap—that they had admitted to Florence only a week ago—concerning their bet with Ludo Bagman and their galleons that had disappeared.

And ofcourse, galleons don't just vanish into thin air. Ludo Bagman had handed the twins leprechaun's gold—which looked looked like galleons—but unlike it, Leprechaun's gold does vanish into thin air.

Florence had tried helping the two to get ahold of Mr. Bagman, who was also seemingly avoiding them like the plague.

They decided to just wait it out until the tournament began, as they would surely see him there.

There were a series of oo's and ah's as the students of Beauxbatons Academy arrived in a carriage pulled by flying horses. The first few people in the front rows jumped back as the carriage made a rough landing down towards the castle.

The horses' hooves were massive, neighing presumably out of tiredness. It was obviously a very long trip for them.

A boy in pale blue Beauxbatons robe jumped out from the carriage, fumbled to set up golden steps that descended towards the ground.

The students of Hogwarts were faced by the largest woman that they have seen in their entire lives. The woman had shoes that looked as big as the sled Florence owned when she was eight, and she looked as if she was the same height (or possibly taller) as Hagrid.

Her face relaxed into a gracious smile and she walked forward toward Dumbledore, extending glittering hand. Dumbledore, though tall himself, had barely to bend to kiss it.

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