(119) Thankful

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"Another dog collar? Really?" Sirius shot Sloan a look, who chuckled, scratching the crook of his neck, "Hey. The tag is gold plated. I had to go out of my way to find some muggles who sold them. And the name's in cursive."

"As practical of a gift this is, I still feel that you're mocking me with it." he set the gift wrappings aside, before enveloping Sloan in a hug, "But thanks, mate. I appreciate it."

"Believe me Sirius, it's only a little bit of mocking."

Their Christmas dinner was not ruined completely by Jane and Florence's emotional scene, as both mother and daughter came back to the dinner table after a brief moment of just holding each other tight. After all the food was devoured, Remus suggested that they opened the gifts. Everyone seemed to agree on the fact that present-opening could not wait for morning.

Sloan picked up another box from under the tree, "Fred, I have one for you, too."

A skeptical look dawned on the redhead's face, pointing to himself, "Me?"

Florence, who was snuggled comfortably against his chest, chuckled, "Love, I don't think anyone else in this house is named Fred, apart from you."

"I know, it's just...surreal that Sloan would even think of getting me something." He mumbled as he received the gift from the raven-haired man, "Wow. Thanks"

"Don't thank me just yet. Open it."

He gave the box a slight shake, feeling as if there was something small and heavy inside "...there's something that's going to explode in my face, isn't there?"

Florence scooted away from him cautiously.

Sloan snorted, "That would have been a great idea, but no. Florence would attack me if I did that to you. Don't be paranoid, mate, and just open it."

He unfurled the ribbon carefully, before opening the flaps. He goggled momentarily, before picking up something that looked like a miniature figure of a store front, Fred—or George— animated in to a toy-like figure. He stared at it. "What's this supposed to be?"

"Well, that's a gift for you and George, actually. Molly told me you two wanted to open a joke shop one day. I know someone who did exterior designing, so I called in a favor. Just...maybe an idea of what you'd want your future store to look like."

George scooted over to his twin brother very quickly, staring at the figure as if he was going to burst out in to tears any second. Florence, meanwhile, already had hints of tears in her eyes, "Sloan...that's very sweet of you"

"This is wicked," George breathed out, his eyes wide and glossy, "Thanks so much, Sloan. Really."

"This is one of the best gifts we've received in our life so far." Fred added.

"And see," Sloan pulled out his wand, tapping the figure gently. The Weasley moved it's hand to reach for his top hat, pulling it up to reveal a rabbit. With another motion, he brought his har back down, lifted it up, and the rabbit had vanished.

"I-I, we can't thank you enough, mate. This is brilliant..."

"I think I want to cry." George sniffled, Florence quickly patting his shoulder, "You go on ahead and do that. No one will judge you."

"And all you came up for me is a gold-plated tag and a collar for my animagus alter-ego." Sirius mumbled, Jane elbowing him, "Don't be ungrateful."

"Er...we didn't really get you anything, Sloan." Fred said, sharing a look with his twin brother, who looked just as guilty about it. "This is very awkward. We really didn't think you'd get us anything."

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