(88) Moving Day

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Florence had expected her mother to ask her to pack a little suitcase with essentials that she was sure she needed for the whole summer. Ofcourse, Jane knew, that with Florence there was always some sort of explanation needed to get her up on her feet. And so she did just that, telling her of the Order's mobilization and moving in to headquarters. Sirius wasn't particularly happy with changing locations, considering the fact that they were moving in to his childhood home at number twelve, Grimmauld Place. Florence seemed to understand why he felt that way, considering his bad relationship with his family.

"So that means I'm a part of the Order now?" she asked, the thought of being inducted was a pretty big responsibility. Jane shook her head, before continuing to repack Miss Mimsy's cat food in to daily rations, "You're not part of the Order. You're too young to be a member."

"Usually we consider recruitment when someone is of age." Remus informed her.

"Well that's in a month and a couple of weeks...Will I be a member then?"

Sirius froze in mid-action of folding a shirt of his, both him and Remus swiveled over to look at Jane, who had seemed to goggle at Florence's question. She composed her self, patiently replying that it was up to Dumbledore to decide whether one was worthy enough to be an Order member or not.

"Then why do I need to move in to headquarters? Why not leave me here? No one in the Ministry knows that you're in the order, right? They wouldn't go after me..."

"People far worse than Jane's colleagues know about her association with the Order, let's say, the Death Eaters? They might come after you." Sirius quipped in, realizing that his words weren't helpful at all.

"Everyone who is a non-Order member who knows stuff, a lot of stuff, are being moved in to the Headquarters to be provided with safety," said Jane, "It's not every member, though. The Black Family House will only be for Order wizards and witches within a certain proximity...a couple Aurors, you and I, Remus, Sirius, Miss Granger—apparently, as Dumbledore requested that she be moved in as well—also the Weasleys..."

"The Weasleys?" Florence repeated, surprised, "You mean, like, all of them?"

"I believe so. They've hit a slight bump on the road, though, which is why they'll be moving in a few days after us."

"All of the Weasley children?"

"Yes, including your sweetheart," Sirius disclosed, an unreadable expression on his face, "If that's what you're trying to ask. Might as well be direct to the point.

Florence blushed, "Uh, yeah, I suppose,"

"No sharing rooms with him though," he followed in a sharply protective tone, "Not under my roof you're not. There are plenty of rooms in that hell of a house for everyone. You two shouldn't be in the same floor as each other unless there are adults present."

"Here we go..." Remus said amusingly under his breath.

"Sirius," Florence chuckled, zipping up the last bag she was going to bring with her, "Fred is nice, trust me."

"He's Molly's son. Ofcourse he's nice. A little impish at school, but wouldn't attempt anything like you're implying," said Remus.

"I'm not saying that I don't trust the kid, Remus, I don't trust teenagers in general. And their hasty impulses when it comes to...hormones and stuff..."

Florence cringed, "Okay, no. Sirius, do not even go there, please."

"Oh I've been a teenager once, Florence, one of the handsomest infact—" Remus rolled his eyes at his best mate's pretentious declarations "—and trust me when I say that those urges are real. You just can't help yourself sometimes."

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