(8) Treacherous Troubles

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Florence noticed how strangely her friends were acting a few days after the tragic Potter accident in the pitch. The weather had changed drastically over the past few days, cold wind sweeping over the grounds as leaves started to fall from the trees. Even the Whomping Willow had left a pile of orange leaves beneath it's feet.

Nicolai and Alexander have been whispering among themselves by the time she had gotten down to the common room on that Thursday afternoon. By the time she had announced that she had already found a sweater to wear, the two had immediately disbanded, changing the topic, immediately chatting about Snape's twelve inches of parchment homework about Werewolves.

"I mean... Werewolves? Why do we bloody have to learn about Werewolves?" said Nicolai in a squeaky manner, her voice raised to a few octaves when she spoke, Florence still holding suspicion with the two. Alexander nodded in agreement, before telling the two about the reference books about werewolves that he had read from the library.

"Wait." said Florence, narrowing her eyes at the two. "What were you two talking about up in the Common room?" she asked, seeing Alexander's adams apple bob up and down in peripheral vision, which raised her suspicion.

"Nothing," Nicolai said hastily, not meeting her eyes. "We were talking about the werewolf essay. Have you finished it, by the way?" Alexander asked almost immediately, Florence sighing in defeat. She knew her friends, and they were apparently the worst liars to walk this earth. She also knew, that whatever secret they were keeping, they wouldn't give it up that easily.

"If you say so." she muttered, resuming her pace in walking, Alexander and Nicolai sighing.

"We should go for it during Transfiguration?" Nicolai whispered to Alexander, the blonde nodding.


The two were most eager to get to their Transfiguration classes, pulling Florence out of first subject five minutes before the time, making up some sort of excuse that they had to work on something very important.

"Extra credit? Is that something I haven't been informed about?" asked Florence as Alexander and Nicolai dragged her to transfiguration. They opened the door to a bare and empty classroom, the two walking in immediately before shutting the door.

"Florence!" Alexander called out, the brunette— who was halfway to the back of the room, immediately swiveled around, "What?" She said in annoyance, gripping her books tighter. "You know that we're the first ones here." Nicolai said, gesturing to all the other seats, Alexander giving her a hard look. She looked at her friends skeptically, "Yes. I'm aware that we are. So?"

"So," Alexander sighed exasperatedly, "We have a bunch of front row seats to choose from! Why are you going back to that rickety desk in the far corner?" Nicolai stomping over towards the bask desk, panic immediately surging through Florence. She didn't want them to know about the mystery person that she wrote to through desk vandalizing. Florence could already imagine the unbearable teasing that would go with it.

"I just like the back seat! What's wrong with that? It's quiet, and peaceful, and—" Nicolai immediately pressed a hand to Florence's forehead, who immediately retaliated and whacked her arm away. "What are you doing?" she asked incredulously.

"Well she isn't sick." Nicolai said to Alexander, completely ignoring her.

"Maybe possessed?"

"She's lost her adequate thinking from all the chocolate she's been eating."

"Guys! Stop talking as if I'm not here." said Florence, folding her arms over her chest as she frowned at the two. "Well maybe you should tell us why you're always at the back when there are plenty of other seats to choose from." retorted Alexander. She opened her mouth to say something, "And don't lie.." added Nicolai.

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