(2) Dungbombs to Detention

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"I take it back," groaned Nicolai, which was followed by a loud thud as she rolled off her bed, half asleep. "This will not be a good year..." Florence laughed as she quickly adjusted her tie, before helping her friend up. "It's the first day, no, morning, rather. Don't judge too quickly." Nicolai didn't respond, but instead stared at what she was wearing incredulously.

"How do you do that?" she said in pure astonishment.

"What, my tie? Oh come on Nic, you know how to fix your own tie—"

"No, I mean how do you get up so early that when I wake up you're already dressed and ready for breakfast? You, Xander and I slept late last night. Why aren't you begging for more sleep?"

Florence smiled, patting her friend's shoulder, "It's called putting an effort in to getting up early. You should try it sometime."

Nicolai shuddered, "That sounds horrifying, that word. Effort. No thanks." Florence rolled her eyes before handing Nicolai her towel from where it sat on her trunk, "Here. Now go shower, you tosser."

Alexander and Florence waited patiently for Nicolai to get ready, before going down to the Great Hall for their breakfast. Florence had spread strawberry jam on atleast five pieces of toast before mounting them on her plate while Alexander was eating his bacon and omelet modestly when Nicolai let out this horrified scream which disturbed half the population in the Great Hall.

"Why didn't we get her a silencer for christmas?" muttered Alexander, feeding himself more food.

"Oh don't ask me that, we both settled that that cute grey jumper would look perfect on her."

"Well, I'm getting her a silencer this christmas."

"What is it, Nic?" She asked concernedly, the brunette shoving her timetable in her face. "We have double divination! In the morning! On a bloody Tuesday! Tell me, would I want to spend two hours in the morning reading crystal balls when I can't even get my eyes open for a straight ten minutes?!"

"Judging from the way you said it, no, you wouldn't want to spend hours of your existence reading crystal balls. And I also know that you wouldn't spend your time cleaning your dorm, fixing your bed, arranging your dresser... So the concept of you not wanting to do anything isn't quite new."

"Yeah, come back when you have something better to report."

"You two are horrible friends." Nicolai muttered, eating her sunnyside up eggs solemnly. "Says the girl who shoved me out of a train window..." muttered Alexander.

The three headed to their classes, Nicolai almost falling off the ladder to Trelawny's classrooms. But the time they had gotten there, Professor Trelawny was already handing out crystal balls to everyone, beckoning the new arrivers to take a seat. Florence turned to Nicolai, "How did you know that we were having Crystal Balls for today?"

She shrugged aimlessly, "Dunno. I was only joking about that bit..."

"Ooo, maybe Nicolai's a seer." said Alexander as Professor Trelawny handed him his crystal ball.

"Yeah and I foreshadow that you're going to get your manhood decapitated from your lower region if you don't shut up."  She muttered darkly, taking the crystal ball from Trelawny. "I also feel, this... strong energy..." she mimicked Trelawny's prophetic voice, "That we...are going to be immensely bored in this subject."

"I already regret taking this."


Florence had Arithmancy for the next period, making her part ways with Nicolai and Alexander who took Ancient Runes as their second elective class. She hoped that they wouldn't murder each other in her absence, having no faith that neither of them would meet her for lunch without a missing body part. Someone startled her out of her trance.
"Is that old douche Filch is still behind us, Freddie?" the first redhead twin asked the other, both of them nearly out of breath as they clutched an old looking parchment in their hands. "I don't think so, George. Bloody bloke sure can't run that fast." the other one laughed, before high-fiving his twin brother.

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